
The WordPress plugin for comments is approving or disapproving comments without following the rules outlined in its documentation. This means a comment may or may not be published immediately depending not only the person commenting but by some arkane rules that are nothing more than fanciful.

There is no rule for prohibiting foul language and I have written previously that foul language in a comment will result in its deletion. However, we have more people commenting and it is taking more of my time moderating them. Anyone using profanity in a comment will not have their comment deleted; they will have their ability to comment on the site removed.

David DeGerolamo

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Lee Vail AKA Kalev Efrayim
Lee Vail AKA Kalev Efrayim
11 months ago

For those of us that wish to follow the protocols.
What words fall under “foul language”?
Even foul language is supported by the First Amendment.

11 months ago

I know it’s not just me (observing how my language has deteriorated); I see it in my wife as well! She says that cussing out the slimes who purport to be our “leaders” is the only way to avoid a stomach ulcer.
Apologies for when I slip up……

11 months ago

I try to avoid profanity in comments. That being said, I might drop an occasional S, D, or H, but then that was just the coarseness of the language I grew up with. It also reminds me of the college physics professor I had that talked the same way. I am not one to “swear” gratuitously, however, sometimes an in context good swear word does have its place.

11 months ago
Reply to  Noway2

WordPress is definitely behaving oddly: I was just offered to edit or request deletion of Noway2’s comment above… hmm…

11 months ago
Reply to  DRenegade

You are correct. I wouldn’t presume to actually attempt to delete or edit, but I did have the gumtion to click the edit button, and it responded by saying I did not have permission to do so… leading me to question the coding skills of the author who offered a function to someone known not to have no permission…. but, hey, it’s working, and not the worst I’ve heard of WP.

Al Bino
Al Bino
11 months ago

Sounds par for the course. According to
As of 2019 Rape is no longer defined with the term ‘forced’.
Violence is no longer a physical act, as it is defined as: the use of, or threat to use, overwhelming force.
And you can bet your bottom dollar when state agents take such action it will be documented as ‘unreported’. ie when a judge threatens contempt, or officers three, or more, officers show up to a call for ‘man with a camera’.
There is nothing preventing the BAR from exploiting their own rules.
For Unlawful Carnal Knowledge sake.

11 months ago

I find at time a profanity is needed/called for,will just move on and post elsewhere when that happens.
Article needs a profanity in response usually the same article is on a few sites.
While foul language is yes supported by the 1’st this is someones personal sandbox,so,don’t agree with the rules(I don’t in this case),move on to another sandbox that works for you/plenty out there!