You may have noticed an improvement in comments on the site recently. A few weeks ago, I deleted all commenter names, IP addresses and email addresses in the blacklisted file. I was waiting for the usual suspects to post so that I could add them back to the new blacklist file.
This seems to have improved the approval of comments that were being moderated for no apparent reason.
As for the integrity of this site, I backup the information regularly and download it offsite. Next week, I will backup the site and optimize the database. We should see a large improvement on page load, comment submission and article submissions/updates.
David DeGerolamo
I am just inquiring about the site westernrifleshooters. Do you think they will be back up?
At some point. For now, go to\wrsa for the latest.
So are you saying you censor and blacklist posts you do not like so you can maintain a specific narrative? You are doing the same thing you are complaining the deep state of doing? LOL
No. Only trolls and people who do not adhere to the site rules concerning profanity and personal attacks. But you already know that.
David -- your persistence and stamina is phenomenal -- thank you for all you do on our behalf.
You are welcome.
Yes, I noticed the improvement to comment moderation.
Thank you for the hard work you put in. I run a small forum, but no where near the degree of work of this one undoubtedly is. Still, I understand and appreciate the effort it takes.
Would like to ask, what happened to Michael? Is he just taking a break?
I think he left. He was not blacklisted.
Thanks. we had our issues, yet was hoping to work through them.
Thank you to everyone at NCRenegade.
Good morning Tom. How’s that garden going. Slowly getting ours planted, working on it between the rain, lol. Chickens kicked it back into high gear and getting almost a dozen a day now. Enjoy the days and count our blessings!
Thank you a follower, working on it, good to hear your doing well, may God bless you in all that you do.
This site gets better and better, good work David!
Thank you.
You’re welcome!