
I have been planning to write this article for several months. I decided to wait until after the election because I wanted to let people comment and then hold them accountable for their words. I know that saying “I told you so” or “You were wrong” accomplishes nothing and people always use this to attack the messenger so I will not go down that path. While I will not hold them accountable, I do want to clarify some points for readers to consider.

Trump won the election. America is still at a crossroads and we must be vigilant. I cannot stress how vulnerable our Republic and its people will be for the next several months. Which is why we should consider how we express ourselves. We have seen how division is an effective tool to weaken our country, religion, culture and even our homes. I humbly ask that we go back to the one factor that allowed this nation to be established which is public virtue:

From Grok:

Public virtue refers to the set of moral behaviors, attitudes, and qualities that citizens within a society uphold for the common good. Here are some key aspects:

  1. Civic Responsibility – This involves an individual’s sense of duty towards the community, including actions like voting, paying taxes, and participating in public life.
  2. Altruism – Acting for the benefit of others or for the community at large rather than for oneself. This might include volunteering, helping neighbors, or contributing to public causes.
  3. Ethical Conduct – Adhering to principles of honesty, integrity, fairness, and justice in public dealings. This includes not engaging in corruption, bribery, or other forms of misconduct that could harm the public welfare.
  4. Patriotism – Love for one’s country, which ideally translates into actions that support and enhance the well-being of the nation rather than mere nationalistic fervor.
  5. Social Harmony – Promoting peace, tolerance, and mutual respect among diverse groups within society. This includes respecting differences and working towards common goals.
  6. Sacrifice for Common Good – Sometimes, public virtue requires personal sacrifices like giving up time, resources, or personal gain for the greater good of the community or nation.
  7. Engagement in Public Discourse – Engaging in informed discussions about public issues, listening to different perspectives, and seeking consensus or at least understanding.

Public virtue is often discussed in political philosophy, especially in the context of republicanism, where it’s seen as essential for a self-governing society. It’s the underpinning that supports civic life, ensuring that the collective actions of citizens lead to a just, fair, and flourishing society. Philosophers like Rousseau, Montesquieu, and many of the American Founding Fathers emphasized the importance of public virtue for the stability and success of democratic and republican governments.


Too many comments are based on opinions, scenarios and even misinformation with no basis in facts or even reality. There are also the “hit and run” comments which have no positive purpose. This country has been given an incredible opportunity to restore Liberty, economic prosperity and our religious faith. We should be thankful for the Lord’s blessings and help make the future better with both our words and actions.

I invite everyone to consider their content and motives before they post comments as I have done in the past. I have also decided to bring back the down vote for comments for several reasons. One of these reasons is to give people a sense of how other readers view their opinions. Another is to hold people accountable for their comments in order to reduce the division that some are sowing.

My hope is to provide a means for people to intelligently discuss issues. Sound reasoning and facts should be part of your comments and your life.

David DeGerolamo

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4 months ago

I live in Illinois. I never vote Democrat (communist). My vote doesn’t count here. Why? The dems have near total control and the republicans are incompetent. I didn’t vote this time. When Trump chose deep state owned Vance as his VP, I was pretty sure nothing would change in DC. Trump has chosen Susan Wiles as his chief of staff. She has connections to big parma and Bill Gates. Trump is also owned by the Israel lobby. The government is not mine and most of my country is occupied by foreigners. What’s to celebrate? In spite of all of this, I have a positive attitude. Why? Because the end of the hegemon is near. Big change is coming. Maybe not what we expected.

Defiant Grunt
Defiant Grunt
4 months ago
Reply to  Nobody

When Cackles picked the goofy commie asshat for VP instead of the popular Gov of PA I knew she was just a foil.

Trump is off to a roaring disappointment for me with his first gatekeeper appointment backfilling the enemy. I don’t care what he says, it is what he does that matters…I am underwhelmed and super suspicious with this in your face Big Pharma slug.

Last edited 4 months ago by Defiant Grunt
carol krug
carol krug
4 months ago

Excellent advice. Thank you. I needed it.

a follower, working on it.
a follower, working on it.
4 months ago

i agree. The Hit and run stuff is a problem, these are the real trolls in my opinion, they feel obliged to spew yet never return to answer or discuss what they have said. i suggest asking for clarification before assigning a judgement. People do have a tendency to reveal themselves and we should be here to work together for improvements and possibly understanding..

4 months ago

So follower where the line between asking for clarification and your feeling attacked?

I dislike people who hit and run,refusing to explain their own posts.

So I’m mildly surprised of this post.

a follower, working on it.
a follower, working on it.
4 months ago
Reply to  Michael

Michael, you have to be willing to listen, not ignore what is being said but have patience and not leap 180 degrees out every time a person speaks. Sometimes no is the answer.
i say this because i have done the same, i am not innocent!
If we are indeed His, we need to understand there are different parts of the body, (individuals) working in the way He guides us, we are all important and part of that one body.
Also it is not about “my feelings” let us consider the way He wishes us to act and behave. And yes i know what a challenge this can be, especially here in the bully pulpit where we find ourselves.

Last edited 4 months ago by a follower, working on it.
4 months ago

No as in I will not explain?
No as in I’ll avoid answering the question and act like I’m under attack?

If Michael post and question is asked I will answer. It’s called honoring the questioner.

Sometimes I even learn something new and change my mind.

I still have not gotten your “Promise and Cepter ” scriptures despite all your responses that you answered, not even your link answered it.

Why post something your not going to back up?

No by ignoring will work well here.

a follower, working on it.
a follower, working on it.
4 months ago
Reply to  Michael

Michael, i asked you to search for yourself. i see what happens when i try to explain things.
That is the answer. it is that simple. You have always been a guy i liked because you seek for yourself. why not this time?
Scepter promise, and Birthright promise. Do you want me to provide the scripture or a means to find the scripture?
i am leaving for a few, will check back later.
Also do you remember why i brought up these Promises, why they are relevant and important?

Last edited 4 months ago by a follower, working on it.
4 months ago

Please give background. And scripture support and if I recall correctly how it applies to America supporting Israel.

a follower, working on it.
a follower, working on it.
4 months ago
Reply to  Michael

This is the Quick look. i have been studying this for numerous years.
ok. to be more correct, i had stated that America was and is connected to Judea. i did not say support Israel with money nor weapons. What Israel largely has become is evil yet looking at their many enemies and ourselves who hasn’t? Possibly a remnant? And what are they found doing?
The united Kingdom is also connected, we three. we know the power of three from another Bible story and or verse.
According to the Bible, the “birthright promise” was effectively passed on to the tribes of Judah and Joseph (specifically his sons Ephraim and Manasseh), as Jacob, on his deathbed, bestowed significant blessings upon them, essentially granting them the privileges of the firstborn son, which Reuben had forfeited due to his actions. 
When God spoke to Abraham (Genesis 17:4) he declared that he would bless him and make him a father of many nations. This is exactly what we see throughout the Bible and history. God’s promise here is called the Abrahamic Covenant and is prophecy of the coming Messiah through the bloodline of Abraham.
 The Scepter Promise. Genesis 49:10 contains this prophecy about the Jews: “The sceptre shall not depart from Judah, nor a lawgiver from between his feet, until Shiloh come; and unto him shall the gathering of the people be.”
Ephraim, Manasseh, and Judea, Now in revelation when the 144,000 are mentioned a couple tribes are missing. This can be most interesting and informative if you allow it and God is willing for you to see it.
Now i will give you a link, possible for free booklet or pdf. You can judge the men and group as you wish, (i have my issues) but i seek His guidance and His discernment in all things. i believe this info to be True of what we are speaking of.
Men continue saying the United states is not in the Bible, i believe we are.
“Birthright Never Given to the Jews’ Now this shoul catch your attn.

a follower, working on it.
a follower, working on it.
4 months ago
Reply to  Michael

Michael another note of interest, i just countered a down vote for you on your above request. i believe people will down vote through discussions to make each other think the worst. Course i could be crazy. lol.

4 months ago

Sir: Your set of moral principles is admirable and absolutely correct. However, such conduct is totally useless against the demonic psychopaths of the Marxist-Infanticide Party and their useful idiots in Hollywood, the MSM and everyone who supported Harris. These principles are also useless against the vast majority of corrupt schoolteachers, school administrators, school boards, and local city/county governing bodies and their bought-and-paid-for badge-wearing armies of Orcs and Orcettes.
The moment you stand up and try to have a dialogue with such evil humans, you will be shouted down, targeted, arrested, and fined into bankruptcy by them. Or you and yours will be shot to death by a SWAT team. Think of the monologue of the actor in the original TERMINATOR movie. He describes how focused and merciless the machine creature is.
Look at the defiant rhetoric coming out of the mouths of Red-Diaper-Doper-Babies such as Pritzker in IL, Newsome and his remoras in CA, and all-across the media spectrum. I can guarantee you even in my A/O-North ID the leftists who control the government school systems will be encouraging their high school students to shave their heads, act out, march and scream and yell, and otherwise target anyone who supported The Donald. Those seven principles above are totally lost on three generations of shambling, texting, slack-jawed, mouth-breathing, brain-dead, medicated, vaping, “gimme-my-freebies” Mall Zombies. We are still headed for Civil War and I and my tribe are still preparing for it. We do not talk or try to persuade. We listen, observe and plan. Bleib ubrig.

4 months ago
Reply to  DRenegade

Out of the fullness of a man’s heart comes his words.

Before things get serious I’d rather listen to hear their hearts.

Et tu Brutus ring a bell?

There’s a proverb story about a frozen bird,a hot cow pie, the bird revived and chirping to have a cat dig him out and eating him.

Lots of truth about people in it.

4 months ago

I live in Louisiana and like Nobody, I too have never voted Democrat (evil). I also have a disdain for all politicians regardless of party affiliation. So, for me, the biggest threat to the U.S.A. is Washington, D.C. Has been for decades. I feel a majority of the legal population of this country apply all/some of the key aspects stated above but the spirit of Jezebel is very strong in D.C. and I have to try harder to pray for those people there. So that is my solution to the problem. Power of Prayer is a wonderful thing! Lord willing, we will see what happens.

4 months ago

“Too many comments are based on opinions, scenarios and even misinformation with no basis in facts or even reality. There are also the “hit and run” comments which have no positive purpose.”
I was a long time reader/commenter at another site and left for exactly what you describe here. To many comedians, that weren’t funny. A waste of time. Any serious discussion was soon up ended by a clown.

tom finley
tom finley
4 months ago I voted for Trump in 2024, I was not going to vote again until the fraud had been removed from our elections. To tell the truth it was a relief he won, my thought on his win maybe we bought ourselves a little more time, nobody in my opinion can stop what is coming. Did not take long for me to see the same old deep staters being picked for his administration, Susan Wiles was, is a lobbyist for big pharma and her buddy Bill Gates, well we know what and who he is, or how about the deep state snake mike Pompeo. I am grateful to God Almighty for this time and will continue prepping for what is to come, I believe it might happen on inauguration Jan 20.

4 months ago
Reply to  tom finley

thanks for the link -- useful alternative EVIDENCE.

Jane Tzilvelis
Jane Tzilvelis
4 months ago

I abstained from voting. I remain skeptical; but enjoying a reprieve from the constant authoritarian blare from the left. I would say we are in a honeymoon; phase with our newly elected president. How long will this last I do not know. We shall see who he appoints soon enough.
i remain skeptical! It’s the wise choice for me. God will lead us where we need to be.

• Proverbs 3:5-6
”Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding” 

• Psalm 37:5
”Commit your way to the LORD; trust in Him, and He will act” 

• Isaiah 41:10
”Do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with My righteous right hand” 

• Psalm 33:4
”For the word of the LORD is right and true; He is faithful in all He does” 

• Ephesians 6:13
”Therefore put on the full armor of God, so that when the day of evil comes, you may be able to stand your ground, and after you have done everything, to stand”

4 months ago

My two cents my ten cents is free. I have not been monitoring the comments here very closely since the election. If they are negative, I might understand why.

I think some people are thinking this went too easy after everything we’ve witnessed since 2020. Myself one of them. That’s why I made the rounds as soon as I woke up Wednesday morning admitting I was wrong. I thought the day of free and fair elections were over with.

I make it a point not to argue with anyone online. There’s certain things I will post and certain things I won’t. There are certain things I will text. There are certain things I will say in a phone call. There are certain things I will only say face to face.

4 months ago
Reply to  ColdSoldier

“I thought the day of free and fair elections were over with.”

Bro, the reason Trump prevailed was because they had boots on the ground, in certain states, in the form of election attorneys, that were filing law suits and stopping the bastids right and left. This never would have happened with Rona the deep state mole, at the helm. This happened due to pro actives steps. The first one was getting Laura Trump appointed head of the RNC. MAGA owns the RNC right now which is huge. But in my opinion this was quite a tactical game they played and won. The vote early thing was pivotal. We needed to vote early so they could catch them in the act. And AZ is still harvesting votes in an effort to keep Kari Lake out. So is California. However California has a revolt on a slow burn. We voted in stiffer penalties for criminals, that Gavin was dead set against. The voters also shot down an $18.00 minimum wage. There may be hope after all.

4 months ago

I don’t like being lied to constantly by 98% of elected representatives at every level . They all think we are stupid or they are stupid and think they know more than me. If Trump does not give RFK a big important position to tear down big pharma, I will consider that a major lie. He repeatedly said that he would . Also the same for Tulsi who should be sec of defense. Pompeo ,Rubio are warmongers and friends of Nicki Cheney Haley.
i will join the opinions that I have been patient and polite up until now, commie light does not get it, if you are satisfied with that then you should have voted for the dems because they would get it over with faster. It’s a slow death of the republic but it will happen.

4 months ago
Reply to  Magrit

“If Trump does not give RFK a big important position to tear down big pharma, I will consider that a major lie. He repeatedly said that he would . Also the same for Tulsi who should be sec of defense”

Oh look, a Liberian. Why are you raising this flag? RFK is already picking out his staff. And Tulsi Gabbard, who I absolutely love, should be Secretary of State. Mike Flynn should be Secretary of Defense. Tulsi Gabbard should be our first woman President. Not because she has breasts, but because above all she’s proven she’s a Patriot who loves our country and most importantly can think. 2028, Vance/Gabbard. But bottom line you sound like a Trump hater.

4 months ago

I am shocked, amazed…and extremely happy that Trump was able to beat the “margin of cheat”. I didn’t think it was possible. But the ugly reality is that what just happened was the easy part. Now begins the hard part. Undoing countless years of communist efforts to end our freedoms. And the left may have lost this election but they haven’t given up and gone away. They NEVER give up, go away or surrender. They will do everything in their power to obstruct Trump and his team. They will plot, scheme, plan and conspire…often in violation of laws. Because all that matters to the left is that they win. That they are in power. This election to them is nothing but an annoying inconvenience. Too many conservatives will believe they have won and they can go back to blissful sleepy ignorance. That is the worst thing that could happen. This was but a small skirmish in the ongoing war against communism.

4 months ago
Reply to  thexrayboy

Or perhaps the powers that be allowed Trump to “win” as to make him the scapegoat for the Greater Depression and America’s bankruptcy.

This doesn’t mean useful idiots cannot riot and cause trouble.

Buckle up friends the party is about to start.

4 months ago
Reply to  DRenegade

David I’m hoping I’m wrong also. But economics is part and parcel of the history I so enjoy researching.

I’m pretty sure you know how Republican Hoover ended up being scapegoated for the Great Depression leading to Socialist Democrats FDR for what 4 term as President.

The powers that be know history and play the long game.

But history and economics are Not looking good. Warren Buffitt has weathered many more decades of the economic history than I and has prospered most when the cycle is downward. How? By selling near the top and holding Cash.

He doesn’t like Cash but says when nothing is safe sell and move to safety as to have Cash when everybody else is in panic selling mode.

In his history Buffett has never been so Cash heavy and I’ve never seen him selling American banks before.

Thus my concern of Trump being “Hoovered”.

4 months ago
Reply to  DRenegade

I’d be VERY interested in that information.

Care to share?

4 months ago
Reply to  DRenegade

Sorry too blind to see.

I’ll not ask again.

a follower, working on it.
a follower, working on it.
4 months ago
Reply to  Michael

Michael, cannot believe what i am seeing. Are you understanding this? Send me an e-mail if you would with Phone number? as i am at work all day may give you a ring one evening. David i would also speak to you privately if you wish.

a follower, working on it.
a follower, working on it.
4 months ago
Reply to  Michael
Live free or die.
To free the world from the grip of the Horvath is going to take an unlikely hero. A hero unwilling to back down to alien or human governments, unwilling to live in slavery and with enough hubris, if not stature, to think he can win.
Fortunately, there’s Tyler Vernon. And he has bigger plans than merely getting us from under the fist of the Horvath.
Troy Rising is a book in three parts—Live Free or Die being the first part—detailing the freeing of Earth from alien conquerors, the first steps into space using off-world technologies and the creation of Troy, a thousand trillion ton battle station designed to secure the Solar System.

a follower, working on it.
a follower, working on it.
4 months ago
Reply to  DRenegade

i do not agree but i do not know what to say to you to change your mind. In my mind musk introduced the way for evil to enslave us. Not saying it was on purpose, or that it was his intent.

3 months ago
Reply to  Michael

David reference Hoover you might want to check out Zero Hedge “Fraudulent Books ” report.

Optimism is good but…

3 months ago
Reply to  DRenegade


And Trump assuming he’s alive will be the scapegoat.

4 months ago

Is there any way to hold folks accountable for their up/down votes? 😀

4 months ago
Reply to  Fido

Sorry no, just a way for people to post without needing to explain their thoughts.

Sad, they were abused last time with down voting trolls using many IP to vote repeatedly.

Up voting is like the fellow who gives you a smile nod and a thumbs up for doing something good.

Down voting is fellow that gives you the finger and walks away because he cannot face you like a man and talk-fight. A cowardly way to act out.

4 months ago
Reply to  Michael

I down voted this comment like a man. I’m facing you.

4 months ago
Reply to  Hedge

Hedge so what do you need to discuss?

I’m facing you sir.

Say your words and discuss.

4 months ago
Reply to  Hedge

Ok Hedge I’m listening.

What is on your mind.

Let’s talk like adults.


Apparently my other reply wasn’t approved. It was polite but..

4 months ago
Reply to  DRenegade

You disagree it was abused?

You are not a coward because you actually answered and explained.

4 months ago
Reply to  DRenegade

I applaud your actions. I did not mean to imply anything should be different than you have decreed. I did mean to point out that the problem was not removed but rather deferred by one degree of separation, but that’s still an improvement… until it isn’t…

It’s a “security issue”, and as such it’s a “cat and mouse” game.
I’m confident you’ve got a handle on it.

a follower, working on it.
a follower, working on it.
4 months ago
Reply to  Michael

i agree in this. if you feel the need to down vote it would be nice and responsible to explain why. Sometimes i take it as a badge of honor. Now if we are behaving poorly that is another thing.
up voting can also give people a big head. i see people voting up sometimes just because they are yes men. if i were a leader, i would not be looking for yes men to back me up.

a follower, working on it.
a follower, working on it.
4 months ago
Reply to  Fido

You can counter them. You can see what the true state is of those around you.

4 months ago
Reply to  Fido

Maybe they will tell you they disagree and then down vote you. Maybe not.

4 months ago
Reply to  Fido

I see Fido’s mere query about accountability drew 3 or more no comment down votes.

Shades of the same behavior just before David eliminated down voting.

Nope no abuse at all.

a follower, working on it.
a follower, working on it.
3 months ago
Reply to  DRenegade

David, any one can come along in a conversation and give a down vote. i am convinced some intentionally do this to cause us to blame each other.
it is part of the game we must recognize.
Previous conversation Michael and i , we were actually doing well. someone clicked a down on Michael,(no apparent reason.) i corrected the down vote hoping he did not think it was me. Some do not want us to get along, figure things out etc.
The Blog is important. Do not get discouraged.

ozark homesteader
ozark homesteader
4 months ago

There is way too much crosstalk on some of these pages. Which is different from affirmative discourse and conversation. I would add that the ability to “like” comments reinforces bad behavior more than anything else. Pages like Sido’s don’t use that feature. What others think of my opinions is really none of my business anyway and if I really believe what I’ve written I don’t need the approval of anyone else, yes? I also believe that if I write something that is patently stupid, when someone comes along and tells me all the reasons what I said is stupid it doesn’t do much to change my opinions except of them. If someone comes along in their own comment and explains their opposite opinion or perspective it gives me something to chew on and consider the error of my own ways. Conversations don’t kill, but crosstalk is a waste of time.

4 months ago

Someone smarter than me said “I’ve never learned anything new from people who agree with me “.

Calling someone stupid or various versions of “He’s just a ass#$le” isn’t discussion. Really it’s just a reflection of who they really are.

Often enough with Real discussion I actually learn something new and change my mind.

a follower, working on it.
a follower, working on it.
4 months ago
Reply to  Michael

Wow, now look what i just posted on the other thread about Trump. “Don’t label yourself.
coincidence? we are on the right track!

4 months ago
Reply to  DRenegade

I’ve read this twice and am unsure of your point?

Confused, please try again.


4 months ago
Reply to  DRenegade

Clearly, if the data sets are real, (if they’re not, they’re not data sets) you cannot have “too many” of them when creating statistics.

If you live in pursuit of truth, you might feel some sense of accomplishment in being “right”, as perhaps you are spreading truth. However: There can be no greater accomplishment that to personally draw *closer* to truth, and to do that, you must discover where you are “wrong”.

When the righteous discover they are wrong, they *stop* being wrong, or they stop being righteous.

If you serve the truth, your greatest and most difficult accomplishment is discovering you are wrong. It’s water to the fish, and air to the bird. It usually happens in reasoned debate between honest men.

Last edited 4 months ago by Fido
4 months ago

Preach the Gospel, God will take care of the rest.

Arch Stanton
Arch Stanton
4 months ago

Well said David. All true. It’s amazing to watch the Almighty move. And Now we know why God put Trump thru all those indictments and court trials. He exposed deep state traitors like Pompeo who were not expecting Trump’s comeback. Many caved during these prosecutions when he seemed hopelessly surrounded. Now the curtain is lifting exposing the jackals. Trump’s greatest enemies have been in his own party. It was the perfect litmus test to know who to bring into this new administration. God’s playbook.