You may have noticed a change on the comments’ section last week. The new WordPress plug-in allows people to rate the article with 1 through 5 stars. It also allows readers to give their opinion of the comment similar to a thumbs up or thumbs down.
I had a comment today which stated a video filming buses in Washington, D.C. was fake news. He might have had a point if the article had any news associated with it other than the date based on the original source. Which is why I gave his comment a thumbs down.
Additional notes on comments:
- Comments with profanity will be trashed.
- Comments attacking the author or other comments will be trashed.
- Comments that begin or contain “this is off topic” will be trashed.
- Comments which have opposing viewpoints of information in articles are welcome but be polite and cite your sources.
David DeGerolamo
Plugin by: PHP Freelancer
I suppose your definition of fake news is different than mine. I suggest you read the title of the article.
I can’t seriously believe you posted this comment.
i do believe there should be consequences. Within reason of course. Depending on the offense , a second chance at least.
If we are here merely to take jabs and potshots at each other we are here for the wrong reasons!
Wrsa was great back in the day, and yet we see how no consequences made the site almost intolerable at times. i thank Pete for all he provided and still provides in a different format. With his absolute free speech and no consequences it was revealed how nasty this world is and can become.(on a speaking level)
But we all should know Free speech is a gift. Use it wisely, use it correctly. Yahuah does not give gifts nor make covenants unconditionally.
Thank You Mr. DeGerlamo, for being ethical and setting boundary’s. You have made this platform a very good source for up to date information and truth. A place to come to for people to find up to date information in this crazy world full of propaganda and flat out lies.
This new format for comments is also so much better. Now -- if I could catch typo mistakes before I post them -- I would be a whole lot less frustrated with myself.
A friend of mine sent me this Canadian article last night. It might be considered off topic, but I don’t know where else to plunk it to share it.
Julius Ruechel: Bystander at the Switch: The Moral Case Against COVID Lockdowns
When those of us north of your 49th parallel survive, or defeat what is coming to us, we will have backbones of titanium steel. Have you noticed that ‘we the people of this world’, no longer feel bounded by country’s anymore. We are become very much one, unified, and focused.
I want to let it be known that though I concur with most of what the author of the above article has stated. My research, over 2 decades, has shown me that vaccination is one of the greatest crimes against humanity, and that it must be stopped. I am one who has narrowly survived vaccine injury, so I do not concur with this portion of the article:
One of Many Highly Censored Documentary’s that all need to watch at least once: Vaxxed 2 -- Dcoumentary (
Perhaps, I have been misunderstood because of what I stated in the last 2 sentences: “Have you noticed that ‘we the people of this world’, no longer feel bounded by country’s anymore. We are become very much one, unified, and focused.”
To clarify, I am not referring to all the sheeple world wide who are acquiescing to every dictate mandated upon them. I am referring to the highly professional intellectuals such as yourselves, who are successfully working to gather like minded individuals worldwide under the World Freedom Alliance. A think tank that has been formulated over the past 4 years out of Europe.
Dolores Cahill: Brave New World of Freedom: Solutions in the areas of Health and Travel (
World Freedom Alliance – Open platform to promote Freedom World Wide
i do like the new format. i hope the thumbs up portion does not become just a popularity contest. i suggest looking at the comments and try seeing what these individuals are saying or trying to say before our first knee jerk reactions.
i do appreciate the site and all those here that post and provide articles for our “discussions.”