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We are at war with an evil empire. I suggest we act like it and fight the real enemy.

David DeGerolamo

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2 years ago

Your time, well-stated thoughts, reflections on the fine mess we’ve got ourselves in and your honesty are deeply, deeply appreciated. Somehow, sometime and somewhere your efforts will probably help spur us into effective action of some sort. I hope to be part of it. Thank you.

strider 777
2 years ago

We are at war with an evil empire. I suggest we act like it and fight the real enemy.” Sir, you are 100% correct.
Too often, our side gets bogged down in fighting among ourselves, before we even begin to engage the enemy! And that is the quickest and surest way to lose any battle or war that I can think of.

2 years ago

Talking ain’t fighting…..And the enemy has no problem with people just talking. It allows them to compile lists.

Joe Blow
Joe Blow
2 years ago

Well said. We have an enemy, we shouldn’t be fighting with each other.

2 years ago

Good plan!

tom finley
tom finley
2 years ago

Yes sir, let us put aside our petty differences and unite against our enemies.