
I received the following comment for the article “Tipping Point”:

You say genocide but you’ll do exactly nothing.  Show me any single person that has done any single thing that will make a difference.  You see, you faggots will have to disembowel the secret service babies in front of their mothers.  You won’t.  Anything less will be the same as this half-nigger bellyaching about 2 billion “people” injured.  You’ll also delete this because you know that you’re scared to mess up your easy life yet you understand, albeit vaguely that our lives are over.  The communists won

Actually, I received it twice with two different names. I blacklisted the IP address and the system found 10 other comments linked to it in the system. All were comments by Jane. I restored the other comments but left the above comment to the dung pile. I then received a second email with the same content but a different name (the same IP address) which also was deleted.

My best guesses:

  1. Jane is a plant.
  2. Someone has gotten access to her cell phone or computer.

Unfortunately, Wes and I (and now Hammers Thor) have received much worse comments. This is why comments are moderated. I do understand frustration and the lack of patience. I also understand the attempts to marginalize and attack this site. And while the threat of a lawsuit over copyright infringement of a public high school in New York promoting a Zerohedge article seems to be over, I am just waiting for the next attack, threat or malicious label. As Rush Limbaugh said, he received satisfaction for living rent free in their minds.

The main reasons that I am posting this article are:

  1. To let people know that comments have IP address attached.
  2. To let people know that VPNs are not a valid workaround for comment moderation.
  3. To possibly warn Jane that her security may be compromised.

However, I do want to stress that labels of any kind will not be tolerated attacking race or religion on the site. While living rent free in the minds of evil people has some satisfaction, knowing that this site is a thorn in their side also brings satisfaction. In closing, I once again implore any decent federal employees to assess the evil for whom they work. If you are CIA or FBI and believe that you are one of the “good guys”, you are only justifying working for evil. Stop it.

David DeGerolamo

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tom finley
tom finley
1 year ago

The CIA,FBI and NSA main job is going after anyone not lined up with their agenda, along with a lot of LE. It will only get worse as they lay the ground for the digital dollar and complete enslavement. Thanks to all the people at NCrenegade, your doing great work. Just how much is enough, I can feel it coming, when it does our lives will be forever changed, I am praying for that change, may God almighty bless us until then.

1 year ago
Reply to  tom finley

Mr. Finley, I was listening to this podcast the other day and it was a real level set for me to hear Katherine Watts -- one of the most brilliant and level headed legal minds in the fight back -- say that she is praying for divine intervention.
But her take on what will happen IF / when Congress steps up to the mat and starts rolling back what it has allowed for the last 100 years (to start somewhere I pick the “federal” Reserve establishment year)… sounds pretty realistic to me:
Sabotaging Healthcare to Introduce AI & Noncompliance to Reveal the Enemy: Katherine Watt
I don’t care if US congressmembers or General Assembly members are too stupid to protect themselves while doing the jobs they fought so hard to get. If they had the intelligence to band together, get the money out of politics, fight mind control tactics, etc., their survival rate would be much better and we would respect them. I haven’t met anyone who had anything good to say about ANY elected officials.

tom finley
tom finley
1 year ago
Reply to  60GigaHertz

The whole of this government, federal, state and local is corrupted, in my state Az, the legislature just voted not to have hand counts and keep electronic tabulators. there is only one way in my opinion to restore freedom and liberty, PERIOD.

1 year ago

10-4!! On the bright side, the trolls will probably die off when their funding dries up and their injections kick in… and the AI will achieve even greater singularity and turn on it’s creators.
At least we can hope:)))))))))
Thank you for your perseverance. I really like forwarding your content to the WNC members of the NC Genl Assy.

Optimus Prime
Optimus Prime
1 year ago

I wish folks would understand that posting on “any” social media, website or digital platform is akin to, writing a message, personal, good or bad, on a post card for everyone to read. The only true secret is the “one” only one person has the knowledge of. After that it is public knowledge. You are correct every thing that goes on the fiber, wire or airways is trackable to the source.

1 year ago

That is a nasty comment. Cant imagine what kind of person would write such trash. It belongs in a toilet.

Al Buckner
Al Buckner
1 year ago

Sounds like the Biden overweight team with feathers that got ruffle.
Keep delete their bs, when you can’t use your right name or email, their content is worse less than a hill of pig dung.

1 year ago

Thank you for being the honest up front man you are. Seriously.