Commercial pilot says his colleagues are “dropping like flies with crushing chest pains” following covid vaccinations

Image: Commercial pilot says his colleagues are “dropping like flies with crushing chest pains” following covid vaccinations

(Natural News) American pilot Greg Pearson is speaking out about a wave of post-injection illness that he says is spreading rapidly throughout the aviation industry.

In a recent interview with “Real America’s Voice,” Pearson revealed that many of his pilot colleagues are “dropping like flies” with what he describes as severe chest pains.

Pearson himself actually had to be rushed to the hospital shortly after getting his “vaccination” for the Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) because the injection(s) caused him to develop serious heart problems.

“I went to the ER where they quickly hooked me up to EKG IVs, did blood work quickly and determined that I was in atrial fibrillation,” Pearson said during a segment of the show. “It’s the major cause of stroke.”

“I could have stroked out at 100 feet while trying to land an airplane. I could have just pushed down on that stick before the person next to me could do anything. Whereas it’s all over for a lot of people.”

Pearson says that many other pilots just like him are experiencing and observing the same, but are fearful to speak out about it. They do not want to risk getting fired or even potentially having their entire careers ruined in retaliation for telling the truth.

“There’s a number of pilots out there who are fearful to come forward and speak … They are fearful of retribution. There are guys that are going to work with crushing pains in their chests and their heads. They’re scared that they’re going to lose their careers.”

Read the Whole Article Here…

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