Common Core Town Hall

I wanted to let everyone know about this sooner; but didn’t get confirmation until today that we have the place reserved.

I will be holding a town hall meeting in the auditorium at Jay M. Robinson High School on February 13, 6:15-7:45 PM, for the purpose of hearing from the public about Common Core.

Since the study committee that is studying Common Core is not going to allow any public comment at our Feb. 20 meeting in Raleigh, I wanted to give our local citizens a chance to speak out before then.

I’m sorry for such short notice, and for any potential schedule conflicts; but we have been trying for a few weeks to get this scheduled, and just confirmation today. I especially want to hear from parents, teachers, and administrators, and do not plan to discuss anything else at this particular town hall meeting. Please help me spread the word. Teachers, if you have concerns, and are afraid to speak openly for fear of risking your job, you can come meet me there, and we can arrange to speak privately at a later time. This is not a campaign event. It is just doing my job. I will not have any campaign materials there, and I ask that no one else bring any.

Rep. Larry Pittman


Spread the word.

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[…] no public input will be allowed at the Feb. 20 meeting. In response to this, Rep. Larry Pittman is holding a Common Core town hall of his own in order to hear the input from residents. The Citizens Study Committee of Common Core will be held […]


[…] no public input will be allowed at the meeting. Study Committee Member Rep. Larry Pittman is holding a Common Core town hall of his own in order to hear the input of residents. The Citizens Study Committee of Common Core will be held […]