Every senator who voted yes last night on the foreign aid package should register as a foreign agent under FARA.
David DeGerolamo
Does anyone still believe members of Congress represent Americans? Who is $ John Galt?
It’s too late for them. I’m watching for ANY reaction from their constituents. MSM won’t report on it.
I Concur, but as Traitors and seditionists as well!!!
Domestic enemies.
Sending tax dollars to Ukraine and Israel. Ukraine is already toast. That money’s wasted. If Israel ethnically cleanses Gaza of 2 million Palestinians, then Israel is also toast. Kaput.
The prior is simply money to laundered back to these traitors and the big guy along with zellie’s escape fund.
Should, but won’t, and no one really cares. Ta ta. The End.
And all…save one…are from Red states.
Does anyone still believe members of Congress represent Americans? Who is $ John Galt?
It’s too late for them. I’m watching for ANY reaction from their constituents. MSM won’t report on it.
I Concur, but as Traitors and seditionists as well!!!
Domestic enemies.
Sending tax dollars to Ukraine and Israel. Ukraine is already toast. That money’s wasted. If Israel ethnically cleanses Gaza of 2 million Palestinians, then Israel is also toast. Kaput.
The prior is simply money to laundered back to these traitors and the big guy along with zellie’s escape fund.
Should, but won’t, and no one really cares. Ta ta. The End.
And all…save one…are from Red states.