Common Sense or Paranoia

Fear is a strong motivator but motivation will not guarantee survival. Ponder the following quote from Daisy Luther:

When it hits the fan…I mean REALLY hits the fan in a permanent kind of way, the most likely outcome is death.

What most people think after reading the quote is “more doom and gloom that I do not have consider”. And just like that, everything is fine. Until it isn’t. Our biggest concern is that we are being kept ignorant to promote an agenda which has enjoyed tremendous success. People don’t want to consider the “badness” that is coming. So the rightly justified fear of survival under austere conditions (otherwise known as SHTF) has been labelled doom and gloom paranoia.

So do we preach to the choir to try to save innocent souls or do we prepare the remnant. According to the article quoted above:

I always try to be positive and optimistic, because for me, preparedness is the ultimate act of optimism, but sometimes we have to look at the numbers and face some things that are pretty terrifying. The first reality check is that some research says that only 3 million Americans are preppers.  That means that 315 million Americans are not preppers. Some experts predict that within 30 days of the power going out, 50% of Americans will be dead. Within a year, an astounding 90% of the population will be dead.

I know it is hard for sentient people to be positive and optimistic in these times. Facing reality seldom is heartwarming. I am not posting the information below for you since you already know it. I am posting it for you to help your family (you know the ones) who are not facing reality and may become a means for you to fail. Become the remnant.

David DeGerolamo


12 Bad Strategies That Will Get Preppers Killed

Bad Strategy #1: “I’ll just hunt and live off the land.”

Oh my gosh. No, you probably won’t. You might try to hunt, but guess what? Loads of other people have this same idea.  Unless you live hundreds of miles from civilization, the population of deer and wild turkeys will be quickly decimated in an event that renders the food delivery system inoperable.

Furthermore, hunting is not as easy as simply wandering into the woods, taking aim with a rifle, and popping a wandering buck in the head. Have you ever hunted? Have you done so recently, and by recently I mean within the past year? Have you ever field dressed an animal? Can you hit a moving target? Do you know how to set up snares? Do you know how to butcher and preserve meat? Are you in good enough shape to drag a 200-pound  carcass through the woods?

If you can’t say yes to every single question listed here, hunting should probably not be your go-to plan for feeding your family.

Bad Strategy #2: “I’ll go into the woods and live there.”

This is closely related to Bad Strategy #1.

But it’s worse. Living in the wilderness is not going to be a marshmallow roast. First off, there are no marshmallows out there. Just lots of predators and food that has to be killed and skinned before you can eat it.

In this strategy, people like to talk about their proximities to a national forest. “There are thousands of acres, just on the other side of my fence.”

Okay. But when is the last time you went into that forest more than a few miles on foot?  Did you spend more than a couple of nights there? Was the weather inclement? What are your local predators (not including the human variety)?  Do you have a camping kit that you can carry in on foot? Will your children and spouse be able to also carry supplies? Are you planning to build a house with some tarps and a Swiss Army knife? What will you eat and drink? Are you adept at foraging in your area? For how long can you actually survive on what you can carry?  How are your First Aid skills and what supplies will you have?  Can you handle the loneliness? And what about the other, perhaps less than moral, individuals that have the same idea? Have you ever lit a fire with wet wood?  Have you ever camped, outside of a campground area? What if it rains? In many climates, getting wet is a death sentence.


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The Willpower
5 years ago

We can’t all be Eric Rudolph though he did have help from the locals. At least he outsmarted
the FBI.