Community Oriented Police Services – Obama’s Solution to Law Enforcement

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The President's Task Force on 21st Century Policing

Most people are not familiar with Obama’s militarization of the country’s police. The term “militarization” is used by CNN in their report below from December 1, 2014. The pResident’s then new press secretary Josh Earnest, outlined the new COPS (Community Oriented Police Services) initiative and stated that the first set of findings will come out in 120 days. That means on April 1, 2015, we should know how the pResident plans to take over law enforcement. Here is a probable course of action that was just used against San Diego on March 17, 2015:

U.S. Department of Justice releases critical response report of San Diego Police Department’s misconduct policies and practices

COPS Office releases 40 recommendations to implement best practices at San Diego Police Department


I believe we will see selected police departments in large cities targeted for submission in order to make the rest of the nation’s law enforcement agencies accept national authority. Except Philadelphia: their black police chief is heading up this program.

David DeGerolamo

Obama preparing executive order on police militarization

President Barack Obama, responding to concerns over the use of military-style equipment during protests in Ferguson, Missouri over the summer, is asking aides to prepare an executive order that would better track the weapons and gear flowing from the federal government to local police departments around the nation.

The order, which he’s expected to preview Monday afternoon during a meeting with law enforcement and local government officials, would mandate federal agencies review the way they provide U.S. police with heavy equipment like tanks and aircraft.

A report issued by the White House found the vast majority of material coming from the Department of Defense to police departments wasn’t military-style: it included office supplies, furniture and tents.

But 4% of the Pentagon’s output to police departments is military grade, including 92,442 small arms, 5,235 Humvees, 617 mine resistant vehicles and 616 aircraft.


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9 years ago

Obongo and his gangster DOJ Holder should have locked up years ago. as for Holder he should have been standing before a senate panel for the murders of the Branch Dravidian Children and there parents when Janet Reno was the DOJ, as well as The FBI murderers of that Idaho Family. these are evil murderers telling us what the police should be doing. I have three words for these Marxists, go to HELL!!!!