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When the police pulled back in Durban, South Africa, the regular citizens defended their property from looters. Are you watching Portland? Are you watching Biden Puppet?
David DeGerolamo
Not mine, too remote to have these scenes, ppl will respond in an unfair manner!
This is what happens when low IQ, low trust, non-productive, non-thinking people take over a country. This is happening in America per the globalist / kabbalist plan to destroy America. Oh, is any elected politician acting working to stop the unchecked invasion on the southern border? How about Senator Cruz, Senator Cornyn, or Representative Louie Gomert -- they are all from Texas and have lockjaw when it comes to the invasion.
So true just don’t tell them they will think your crazy.
Ian Smith tried to initiate a qualified vote which would have solved the problem. He was not allowed to. Rhodesia went down in flames. SA handed the country over to the uneducated masses and is now in the process of disintegration, we are next. If we ever fix our elections it should include a qualified vote; High School equivalency, taxpayer and not on any form of welfare would be a great start.
No. Must be male, property owner, not on government assistance of any kind, pass a civics test (Constitution), AND high school equivalency. There. Fixed it.
Video is gone..
Video is gone
Click the more link. There are quite a few videos.
I’m so old I can remember when South Africa was a civilized Nuclear Power country, with a high GDP and no one starving. Then someone had the bright idea to turn the country over to uncivilized savages; what a difference!
Now we’re trying the same experiment in the USA, but I’m sure it’ll work out better here… won’t it?
Videos are there, click ‘more’ to another site
Looks like those whites finally have accepted reaikty
Looks like they need more time at the range….not a fallen body to be seen. Unless, of course,….this was staged for the cameras
I doubt anyone thinks this was staged. They may be bad shots or they may have been trying to scare them off. People will have to decide if they will kill someone when the firearms come out.