Concerning Comments

When information is sent by computers, the IP address is sent with it. I used that fact to track people who were revising database information for a program that I wrote for a large school system 20 years ago. My code tracked the IP address of the work station, date, time and the submitted/revised information so that we could narrow down who was switching work stations and degrading the system’s information.

When you submit a comment to any site, the same information is transmitted. A VPN is a workaround to this if you want to remain anonymous or are trolling. Last night, I received a comment that was completely out of line for content and language. I blacklisted the commenter’s IP address and the system deleted an additional 139 comments that he submitted using a different name.

You may have seen comments here stating that people are making $92 per hour and the associated websites where you too can sign up. These people first make a comment that is approved and then they are allowed to submit their ads without approval. Although their first comments are usually short and innocuous, their pattern is similar which allows us to reduce their number. However, we may delete some new commenters as we err on the side of caution.

Be patient, submit cogent arguments with your comments and reduce the foul language if you want to make your point. Also watch your spelling and spell checking “updates”. I had skidsteer switched to sisters this week. It appears that spell checkers are gender fluid.

David DeGerolamo

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2 years ago

David, pls keep on keeping on. Your contribution to this war is immeasurable.

2 years ago

I wondered about those ads, I am glad you got rid of them.
Keep up the good work, thanks.

tom finley
tom finley
2 years ago

Thank you for all that you do, these are perilous times.

gail jansen
gail jansen
2 years ago

I am not a social media person; however, I appreciate this site so much that I not only comment but often print the content and comments off to keep for research. This is a high-quality community of contributors for whom I have developed tremendous respect for the honesty, experience and humanity shared. The broadcast depth and breadth also many times surprises me as it is easy to become comfortable with the idea that what is said here is just between us. Kudos for your work.