Concerning Giving Up

I read part of the article posted by Wes late last night: Americans Won’t Rise Up And Fight Govt Tyranny. I found the premise offensive as its purpose was to demoralize and present a hopeless picture of our future. I read the comments this morning and was surprised by the amount of agreement.

I cannot speak for other people. I am not a politician trying to pander or lie to people in order to gain something from them. When I look into the mirror, I see a Man of God. I ask for His guidance every day. Yes, I see this country’s government, military and media trying to destroy the Great Experiment. While the events are more discouraging every day, I take comfort in my faith and that I am doing everything that I am supposed to day.

We are a nation of people. When this government collapses, the people will have difficult decisions to make. Especially concerning the retribution and justice that caused our downfall. But the downfall of a nation does not preclude rebuilding a moral nation with Sacred Honor.

Looking into the mirror should not be taken literally. I do not have the need to reflect on decisions or actions that I personally make by looking into a physical mirror. I do what I am told which does not leave me much time. The major focus of my efforts is fighting evil. This fight is coming and preparations are both physical and mental. Get your heads on straight now and stop whinging.

If you feel that you are lost, doomed and hopeless, I give you the following advice:

You have two choices: get a crying towel and hide or prepare for battle.

David DeGerolamo

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1 year ago

Yes, we have only three paths for patriots, while the rest sleeps. Those still asleep generally can not imagine and will not realize what is going on.
For heavens sake, we started a war with Russia and working on one with China!
The country was lost long ago, we are now just seeing the results and consequences! This is just part of another human civilization cycle.

1 year ago

“…hide or prepare for battle.” Hiding isn’t engaging in battle. Preparing for battle isn’t engaging in battle. We need to engage in battle, and we’re not.

Jack Lamberson
Jack Lamberson
1 year ago
Reply to  DRenegade

I agree but the trouble is who decides when the timing is correct and who will bring us together? As I stated above a large percentage of your fighting force is aging out of effectiveness, in my opinion. Sure I can be somewhat effective but not near as effective as I would have been 10 or even 5 years ago, ageing is the enemy for a lot of us as well. Take Care and Be Safe God Bless

1 year ago
Reply to  DRenegade

There was a comment in one of Wes’ posts about things needing to achieve critical mass before a sustainable reaction can happen. Though it is an analogy, I think it is an apt one. We haven’t yet achieved critical mass, but we will as the mass continues to increase, and then at some point the ignition event will occur.

tom finley
tom finley
1 year ago

I read the article, the truth always offends someone. It lays out where we are at as a society and just how far we have fallen, somebody else will fix it.

tom finley
tom finley
1 year ago
Reply to  DRenegade

I am not trying to appear wise in all things, I seek God in all things first, our time is running out to restore our freedom and liberty, let alone the lives of our family and friends. I am not in fear or do I lack in faith, I believe the time is now to act, not tomorrow, or next week, now.

tom finley
tom finley
1 year ago
Reply to  DRenegade

Alexander Hamilton, If the representatives of the people betray their constituents, there is then no resource left but in the exertion of that original right of self defense which is paramount to all forms of government, and which the usurpations of the national rulers, may be exerted with infinitely better prospect of success than against those of the rulers of an individual state. In a single state, if the persons intrusted with supreme power become usurpers, the different parcels, subdivisions, or districts of which it consists, having no distinct government in each, can take no regular measures for defense. The citizens must rush tumultuously to arms, without concert, without system, without resource; except in their courage and despair.

Louis Jenkins
Louis Jenkins
1 year ago

Yesterday I stated that one man alone cannot take on the swamp or gobermint by himself. Call it cowardice if you will. I have also said that I am a good follower, not necessarily a leader. I would need time and training in how to become a leader. Where is our leader(s)?

1 year ago

I personally believe things will go kinetic this summer. About 15 years ago I attended an AR-15 class that Masaad Ayoob was instructing. In the classroom session he said “in about 15 -- 20 years from now you will be using the skills that you will learn in this class to defend your family, home, neighborhood and community. Every town in America will be affected by this.” Well, it has been about 15 years since then and here we are. This short clip from “We Were Soldiers” says it all!

No Thanks
No Thanks
1 year ago
Reply to  X-Beast

Wow very ominous

1 year ago

The problem I have recognized for more than 12 years there are no armed Patriot organizations. I prefer the term “Militia” (Army and Air National Guard are not Militia). However, fedgov has made RevWar type of Militia illegal. They did this decades ago. Again, as throughout the existence of the United States, the CONstitution has been ignored, compromised, disputed, no compliance with, attacked, dismantled, dismembered and for all intents and purposes, made irrelevant !

What EVERY pundit of Freedom and Liberty fails to recognize is organization. While many Internet warriors and bloggers lament the slow, but incremental destruction of this no longer nation, not one (nor any member of CONgress) has called for the forming of and arming with weaponry, local militia ! In turn, there is no ability for Americans to resist the scum one calls “government”.

Ask yourself….”Could we organize dozens of Militia Patriots in a moments notice as done at Lexington Green, on 19 April 1775″, to stop the government’s confiscation of Militia arms and ammunition ? Or how about the hundreds and thousands of Militia Patriots who opposed the British lobsterbacks at Concord Bridge and the British retreat and trek back to Boston….sniped, shot, killed and wounded by Patriot Militia, again on 19 April 1775 ? Me thinks not.

While many predict a second RevWar against the tyranny of Marxists Amerikans and Amerikan traitors controlling and occupying fedgov USA, I believe it will NOT happen. Simply for three reasons:
1. American Patriots have no organization of any type let alone armed Militia.
2. The Marxist fedgov is organized, supplied, funded, trained and willing to enforce their unconstitutional diktats by force of arms, upon Patriot citizens.
3. More than 52% of Americans derive their paychecks and pensions from some form of government. They will not bite the hand that feeds them.

Rest assured you will not vote, legislate or sue your way out of the tyranny of government.

Organize as best you can.

Make Peace with your Lord.

Gun Up !

Mike in Canada
Mike in Canada
1 year ago
Reply to  Delta3Two

I would suggest to you that an overarching organisational framework, while of great utility and tested in history, is something we cannot create out of nothing, not while there are so many opinions and arguments every time someone says ‘Why don’t we try…?’
The reason people got together and didn’t require, strictly speaking, ‘the one true leader’ is because their shared value systems and the priorities accompanying such provided all the direction needed to thinking persons. Right & wrong had already been decided and agreed upon since the cradle; the penalties for transgression had already been elucidated and reinforced through socialisation and community; the ‘bad guys’ were easily identified and the means for their chastisement readily available.
My point is that a shared culture, value system, and set of attitudes provide all the direction necessary, without having to create an easily-neutralised central command, with all the attendant target opportunities thereof.
In these current times, it would seem that the above prerequisites are not the unifying forces they once were. The choice the Signers made when they affixed their signatures is not one as easily made today, for a variety of reasons.
In the end, those choices will be made one at a time, by the individuals that face them, in those horrifying moments that separate who they are from who they are about to become.
With great respect, I suggest the usual questions are rather inappropriate under these circumstances. We need to see differently…

No Thanks
No Thanks
1 year ago
Reply to  Delta3Two

We have ZERO “peaceful options” period. So I will make it very simple: We either fight or our a$$e$ are DEAD literally…Mark my words!!!

1 year ago
Reply to  No Thanks

You will get no argument from me.

tom finley
tom finley
1 year ago

The same quote from Samuel Adams would sound demoralizing to a lot of people, you cannot fear offending someone or no one would speak up.

Jack Lamberson
Jack Lamberson
1 year ago

I have been preparing for battle for 20 years now and we are no closer to going to battle than we were then. I keep preparing and am willing and kinda able, am 75 now. That is the problem most of us who are willing are getting to old to be very effective any more. The waiting game is pitching out at least 50%, my opinion, of those willing to fight from being as effective as they would have been a few years ago. I keep preparing and waiting but most likely will die waiting for someone to organize what needs to me done to save our country from the socialist demoncraps. I used to think it would actually happen but now I doubt it will in my lifetime. Everyone Take Care and Be Safe God Bless All

1 year ago
Reply to  Jack Lamberson

You are exactly right sir.
At 72 years of age I finally
realize that this is a slow game
of attrition. A death of a
thousand cuts.
And as we old warriors die off,
there are fewer and fewer to
fill our voids.
Please read the short story,
Sundown at Coffin Rock.

1 year ago
Reply to  Dunner

Me too, oh well.

1 year ago

In the current time and date, we hear many things, One is that we must rise up and take our country back. The “Truth” is that the III percent that will end up fighting cannot do what is necessary “YET”. It is a dangerous time of Cat and Mouse, if one group or person starts the movement, they will be swept away in the massive current that is in front of us all. Which brings to mind the amount of people that are asleep at the wheel that won’t do anything because,”We must wait until Trump gets back into office”. Many people have that lost hope or belief that one man will save us from ourselves, ain’t happenin folks!
We are at an impasse and what the spark will be that will light this fire, I have no idea, but what will need to happen will be a terrible event, We are not there YET! We are surely living in interesting times. Remember the time is upon us, the time to network with like minded people is past, but is never too late. Get with people that you know. With literally millions coming over the border the time is getting very near! Things will be getting much worse, Prep, train and sustain and keep the channels of communication open, if you don’t know your neighbors, start making friends, because the more people that are around you when the fecal matter hits the rotating oscillator the better it will be for you and your family. What is coming won’t be over in days, it will take months if not years. Hard times are coming, but they aren’t here yet.
NOTE: when the 2nd Amendment is gone, the moment will be very close.

Roddy's Rowdy Piper
Roddy's Rowdy Piper
1 year ago

Vote MOAR harder! GOP all the way!

1 year ago
Reply to  DRenegade

I think he’s being sarcastic…

Roddy's Rowdy Piper
Roddy's Rowdy Piper
1 year ago
Reply to  anon2

Exactly. Finally, a sensible response.

1 year ago

I don’t know how to stop the present take over of America. It has been entrenched in every aspect of our country and its administration. We’ve done next to nothing to stop it. It is my personal contention that we are failing the country, it’s people and those warriors who fought for OUR freedoms from the very start of this country. There seems NO feeling of obligation to pick up the baton of freedom and carry on that battle. It’s never over, in my view. The new thinking caters to weakness and compliance. There is no actual support for what America has always been…a fighter for itself and others and a winner though not without great sacrifice. The culture “influencers” have destroyed our identity and our American exceptionalism. They are destroying and we’re letting them.

Citizen Joe
Citizen Joe
1 year ago

A friend of mine told me that an old guy could easily approach a commie/globalist politician and pull the trigger. He says the old guys have nothing to lose. They’ve lived their lives. He said, so what if they go to prison? It probably won’t be a bad prison and it probably won’t be for long. I kind of agree with him.

1 year ago
Reply to  Citizen Joe

You are right, it will come down to people who have been very well trained in the art of people removal and between the ages of 60-70 and still in good health and can sill kick butt and shoot the enemy dead. When it comes to kicking there butts it will all be done by stealth, and when they are comfortable in there homes at night as well there place of employment, people who are smart will study each person no matter which federal agency , media and corporate heads that are behind all this . All the names will be studied then the strike will come. Just a little more time for our nation to feel the pains from what our leaders and federal bureaucracy has brought on the nation.

Last edited 1 year ago by Phil
tom finley
tom finley
1 year ago
Reply to  Phil

Stealth is good Phil, I have been training in the martial arts since the early 80s, it only takes 8lb of pressure to break somebody’s neck. The style of karate is designed for the street, I am in my 70s as well.

1 year ago
Reply to  tom finley

I as Well Have Been trained in the art of NINJITSU in the 1970’s and I can still to this day remove the obstacle or obstacles that might be in my way by face to face or by stealth of which I was trained. to their detriment they will die fast and swift and not know what hit them, and if they are in my face with their guns, they will be toast. I am still in good shape to take on three right now, in my younger years six would be no problem whatsoever, that’s how we trained.

Last edited 1 year ago by Phil
1 year ago
Reply to  Phil

Bragging about the art of silence seems ODD?

Guess all those bad guys are DOOMED, please hurry up before I die of old age.

Do or do not, there is no try.

Where pray tell is bragging on an open channel part of ninja anything?

The 3 “S”‘s has NOTHING mentioned about bragging, eh?

1 year ago
Reply to  Michael

Not bragging just telling truth which is an oddity in the days we live. you can believe it or not that’s your choice. I have nothing to prove to anyone, just stating the facts, If and when they get in my way someone will perish, and I could care less who they are. this is the way I grew up and this is the way it will be when I go out. Growing up in New York City has taught me many things in the 1960’s and up, and i have lived thru to many horrendous sights. I didn’t take anything from anyone who got in my face and that includes dirty cops which were many in my days and is worse now. you choose when the P.O.S. coming knocking at your door, what will you do then go quietly without even a fight.

tom finley
tom finley
1 year ago

Just how much longer do we wait? They have already brought in 6 million mercs, combined with the rest of the federal, state and local thugs. What restrains them from arming them? You think they wont?

1 year ago

You and Wes can both be right.
And are.
Some people have made their choice, one way or the other. They are the few.
A vast middle is still sitting on the fence, hoping with all their might some final Olive Branch Petition will finally sway and dissuade King George’s spiritual heirs from repressive tyranny, without bringing things to a bloody head.
That’s delusional, but it’s definitely apparent, time after time. You cannot argue a man into doing something, using reason and logic, if he did not get himself to his current position using reason and logic.
They will not be swayed by any number of things, and will probably still be deciding when their houses are on fire.
Well…okay, if that’s how they want to go about it.
Let your conscience be your guide.
But rest assured, “organizing” armed groups in plain sight is a raised nail that will absolutely be hammered down as ruthlessly as TPTB can manage, with extreme prejudice.
Ask the Branch Davidians how that looks up close.
If folks can’t figure out ways to get ready without shooting themselves in the foot from the get-go, Wes is closer to spot-on than he wants to be. And I suspect he’s none too happy about that either.
Tough times are coming, and they’re going to weed out both the soft-hearted, and the soft-headed.
That’s not defeatism, it’s realism. We could probably use a lot more of that than with which most people are comfortable.

1 year ago
Reply to  DRenegade

Exactly, keeping your mouth shut should always be the course of action if and when you go hot. Just do what you need to do with trustworthy like minded people after they have been thoroughly vetted.

1 year ago
Reply to  DRenegade

perhaps those that are ready aren’t talking about it, you only hear from the whingers…
so there are more of us than it appears…

1 year ago
Reply to  Aesop

Aesop’s comments are on point!

I will add electronics including internet bulletin boards are not your friend if you’re going snipe hunting.

The 3 “S”‘s don’t include crowing.

Tragedy of the Commons

This is what we got working against us:
Mayorkas: Americans’ Priorities Are Subordinate to ‘Nation of Immigrants’

1 year ago

There is largely no basis to identify as being an American due to the stratification in all realms, and therefore the interest in fighting for its pretexts and ideals is null. Preserving life, property and taking territory is a different matter. The country itself in its present form (probably the last 60-70 years) is not equipped and is uninterested except among pockets of persons in the teaching and practical application not only of the education but civic discourse needed to run the country. In many ways, people don’t even know what kind of government they have and therefore don’t want to participate in the disjointed institutional quagmire which furthers socio-economic strongholds, with regards to political mobility. The day-to-day living is inconsistent with what’s touted from the media and church system. The defeat has been so intricate and evolving, that there are really no avenues within the current constructs for alternative systems.

1 year ago
Reply to  Z-La

Nice word barrage Z-La.

Incoherent but a nice barrage.

So, in two reasonably short sentences tell us how you really feel?

1 year ago
Reply to  Michael

Amazing Z-La has time to down arrow but not respond to the question.

I see a pattern here.

1 year ago
Reply to  Michael

Attempting to govern the political realm without having a cultural sphere is ridiculous. The results of such are evident.

1 year ago
Reply to  Z-La

Not giving much credit to the stubborn Americans, are you?

The 1-3% of wierdos have the MEGAPHONE of Mass Media but are NOT the majority.

You know in Russian Bolshevik means “Majority” don’t you?

They CHOSE that name to give themselves a bigger role in a pre-internet/social media era.

It’ an Evil Leadership that will burn down its own nation to rule over the ashes Sun Tzu.

God is *still* in control, we are currently under His Judgement ala Isaiah Chapter 3 (might be worth your reading it). We have that Evil Leadership so described.

You might spend some time researching how many GENERATIONS the “Chosen People” of God had to endure the slavery of Babylon until they repented and were restored to their lands.

We are NOT Toast, yet.

Take A Hard Look
Take A Hard Look
1 year ago
Reply to  Z-La


  1. Our culture has been diluted to the point of erasure
  2. There is no political solution
  3. We Are Toast
1 year ago

I disagree with your third point. While the Republic is corrupted unto death while we hold its principles dear to your hearts and are willing to act on them it’s not gone.

We are not toast, yet.

The survivors of this 4th turning will have the choice of the hard work of rebuilding our society.

That’s why I keep posting Protect your family, it’s the #1 rule.

No Thanks
No Thanks
1 year ago

I have to agree with the premise from last night -- The American people have NO fight in them -- it is painfully obvious at this point. All the guns & ammo -- I just really don’t get it. We the people are sitting back doing Nothing at all while our country is literally being ILLEGALLY INVADED Daily. The Federal Govt is absolutely out of control and ultra CRIMINAL. TheConstitution is DEAD as well. And elections are a hot mess and utterly Illegitimate at 110% and truly WTF have we the American men done -- NOTHING, these are Facts. We are PATHETIC.

1 year ago
Reply to  No Thanks

Last time I checked the 3 “S”s did not include crowing on the internet.

It’s been my experience that quiet people get things done.

It’s also my experience and history seem to prove it often enough folks who are yelling for others to DO SOMETHING are Feds.

No offence as I KNOW that shoe doesn’t fit you so relax.

1 year ago

Samuel Whittemore, American Revolution old warrior gave a good account of himself. Don’t think the old men cannot stand their ground.