UPDATE: No one who has been implicated by Lin Wood’s charges has come forward to deny their guilt. No one has threatened to sue him.
Here is the link to Lin Wood’s Twitter account. Some thoughts:
- Lin Wood is an attorney who understands the legal consequences of slander.
- Lin Wood’s net worth is considerable. He represented Nicholas Sandmann with a $275 million CNN settlement and the brother of Jon Benet Ramsey in a lawsuit against CBS for $750 million. I don’t know what the final settlement figures are but his wealth is considerable. This does not include the Richard Jewel case. My point is that he is doing this for our children, not fame or money.
- Tore Lindeman is backing his claims.
The only problem I have with these revelations is that everything falls into place if it is true. I want to believe. I want to believe that that evil will be defeated. The only question we should be considering is what we will do if these allegations are true. I believe our lives are about to change this week.
David DeGerolamo
I have spent the last three years intensely researching all of this. It makes sense and it must be exposed in its entirety. There is no part of our lives that have not been touched by this, for example the aborted baby parts used in coffee creamer to create the smooth texture. This has been a prelude conditioning for cannibalism which relates to the vax. The vax creates patented cells in our bodies to claimed by corporations for the purpose of harvesting, as in commodification of the human body for profit. It keeps going and there is more which is worse. MY biggest fear and worst expectation is that these demonic creatures will not be punished, as in gone. I totally agree with Hedge.
Another thought, this new evidence shows the complete disregard for our children by these demoniacs. Mexican news journalist, Oscar El Blue, specializes in the child trafficking in Tijuana. He estimates that under 2014, under Obama, 900,000 children went missing and ended up in cargo ships or warehouses to be used for just such purposes. A significant portion were US kids. Each and every one of these creatures must be found and punished. No deals! No scapegoat like Biden who can have a heart attack and allow everyone else to slither away. JUSTICE must be restored.
Agreed. No more baiting. Time has run out. WE all know what has to be done. So stop playing around and reveal what you know.
Timing is EVERYTHING. A hunter can lose his prey if his timing is off. There is a lot going on under the surface that none of us know about. It’ll get here on it’s own time.
This is Ridiculous. If these allegations are true, and those who have proof don’t bring it too light, they’re no better than those involved. You can’t make deals with the Devil.
Shit or get off the pot. Tired of the “I have the proof and will reveal it soon, soon, soon, soooon…..”
Reading some factually incorrect ‘conspiracies’ by a previous commenter, I realize why people have trouble taking much of what we say as serious. Lin Wood seems to be a great guy, but when I found out he was still a big “Q” believer, it made me question his reliability. There have been so many “wait and see” Q pronouncements which have never happened, how can people still wish to follow such material.
I hope with all my heart that something IS cooking, but all of the “arrest warrants” promised over many months never materialized, it is just wishful thinking. So PERHAPS the overwhelming evidence of fraud IS acknowledged, maybe something does happen. I hope so. But I suspect this is just one last “hopeful hurrah.”
Like the munition shipments on the Lusitania, the truth will come out… in a century or so.
It has been my experience that Evil usually prevails unless Good is very very careful.
“No one who has been implicated by Lin Wood’s charges has come forward to deny their guilt. No one has threatened to sue him.”
When I used to work in the corporate zone of a large city, there was a homeless guy who hung out every day by the entrance to the building. Every day, he’d scream that I was Hermann Goring.
Nobody took him seriously, either, and I never really felt overly compelled to deny his charge.
On a practical level, Wood may be rich, but defamation suits draw Anti-SLAPP motions, which are basically licenses to print money for defense attorneys.
I don’t think Lin Wood needs more money.
TRANCE formation of America 1995 by Phillips and O’brien made me want to vomit, I almost could not finish it. These “targets” are real and need to be dealt with in the Old Testament way or we as a people nation will never be blessed by God, who has heard every one of the cries of these innocent children. MK Ultra, NASA, and at least one of the SecDefs (under Reagan) of the recent 10 who objected, were in on it.
Time to play your cards.
The game is nearly over.
Folding with an imaginary royal strait flush is nothing to brag about.