Dear GOP Establishment,
We need to talk. It’s not us. It’s you.
Any successful relationship must be based upon trust, mutual respect, and understanding. We are 0 for 3 in those categories. There is a deep schism within this Party between a Conservative Tea Party base and an elitist Progressive leadership. Things just don’t seem like they’re going to work out between us due to irreconcilable differences.
First off, we in the Tea Party don’t trust you guys. How can we when you break your campaign promises to us again and again? No matter how Conservative a Democrat candidate will try to appear when running for office, those who are foolish enough to pull the D-lever know exactly what they’re going to get: higher taxes, social welfare expansion, a reduced military, and more intrusive government regulations that further limit individual liberties. Democrat politicians run a limited gamut from the very Progressive Harry Reid all the way to the extremely Progressive Barack Obama. That is why we Conservatives cannot support the Democrat party. But don’t misinterpret that as us automatically granting our support for the Republican Party.
In a lot of ways it is often scarier and more frustrating to vote for the Republican candidate because there is really no telling what we are going to end up with. A GOP candidate may be pro-life or pro-choice, pro-traditional or pro-gay marriage, fiscally Conservative or pro-government expansion. The fact that the Republican Party can house both a Ted Cruz as well as a Chris Christie does not testify to the success of a Big Tent policy. It is evidence of a house divided, and sooner rather than later one of the factions is either going to have to change or pack up and move out.
Talking at a wall. The GOP aren’t worried about the Tea Party because Tea Partiers don’t have any other choice but not to vote, and not voting means automatic Democrat victory. Until there’s another option, the Tea Party is moot from the perspective of GOP leadership.
We are not doing a great job of vetting these folks. Chris Christie was very popular two years ago, but once you check his political background you find that he has always been a “political piggie.” Although I think Romney was an honorable man, he was the Republican party’s choice before he declared for the office. As long as we allow the Karl Roves of this world to have influence in the party we have no chance for conservative leadership.If there is not a conservative revolution in ’14 and ’16, we’re through as a country.