There are two provisions buried in the CR that Congress is trying to slip by.
— Wall Street Mav (@WallStreetMav) December 18, 2024
A pay increase for members of Congress from $174,000 to $243,000 per year.
Also, members of Congress are receiving an opt out from being required to use Obamacare
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Of course they are mostly a Uni-party crime cabal, a farce, bought, bribed, blackmailed Constitutional traitors.
They sicken me. I hold them in complete and utter contempt.
Agreed…f-cking leaches and nothing more…just sucking the blood of the sheeple! We need a revolution & through all of them out on the street…Yes, a uniparty…wake up could not be any clearer!!!
You ever notice, It’s the Bi-Partisan Legislation, where They ” lay their Diffrunsuzz Aside ” and Come Together to Address the Important Ishhoose that are facing the American people that AbSoFrikkenLOOTley screw us the worst?
I’m confused. Isn’t a Continuing Resolution just an addendum to something Already in effect? Why would That require 1,500 pages? And as Elon points out, how is it a CR if it changes the pay of Legislators?
Sometimes I think they are screwing us. I know, I know,, I have a bad attitude.
F**k everyone of them sons of bitches right square in the ass. This is what most all of them really deserve. Instead they will get themselves a $69,000 a year raise.
should they not, like the original Continental Congress serve for free and with four sessions per year?
Wall st mav, obama care, you are aware they don’t have obammie care, right? They have a very unique and excellent medical care plan.
There has always been an opt out for Barry Care. Way down towards the end is an out anyone could use. If memory serves 11815 is the reference in the original bill