Today, I was proud to join Congressman David Cicilline and a group of my fellow colleagues to introduce the Assault Weapons Ban of 2015, to prohibit the sale, transfer, production, and importation of new military-style weapons and high-capacity magazines. At Sandy Hook Elementary in Newtown, 20 children were killed — all in a matter of minutes. One child was shot 11 times. In a movie theater in Aurora, 12 people were killed and another 70 were wounded — in less than 9 minutes. Assault weapons are designed to fire as many rounds as possible as fast as they can to kill as many people as quickly as they can.
Banning these weapons and magazines will not stop all mass shootings or immediately solve our nation’s gun violence problem, but it is one common sense way to decrease the likelihood—or at least the number of victims—of these horrific mass shootings. As a society, we must treat guns as the dangerous weapons they are and work together to do all we can to protect our families and neighborhoods from this epidemic of gun violence.
“As a society, we must treat guns as the dangerous weapons they are and work together to do all we can to protect our families and neighborhoods from this epidemic of gun violence.”
I would think that securing our borders and stopping the importation of Muslim terrorists from Syria would be a better means to protect your “subjects”. I hope Kentucky is proud of this “representative”.
David DeGerolamo
I went to the farce book page of his and was unable to leave a comment. His teck guys did their job of making him look good. How guys like this continue to get elected is a mystery and a good example of the sheep continuing to reelect the wolf. I’d like term limits for Christmas.
“At Sandy Hook Elementary in Newtown, 20 children were killed — all in a matter of minutes. One child was shot 11 times. In a movie theater in Aurora, 12 people were killed and another 70 were wounded — in less than 9 minutes. Assault weapons are designed to fire as many rounds as possible as fast as they can to kill as many people as quickly as they can.”
Well yes and that is exactly why CITIZENS need them. After all more people have been murdered by government than any individuals or group. This is a digustingly obvious example of a bureaucrat who is afraid of his own countryman and seeks to render them helpless and at his mercy.
In as a loud of voice as possible. NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!