
Sometimes in the mundane circumstances of life some of the biggest events concerning the human experience completely escape our notice. Two of these events may well be the unintended consequences of Hitler’s slaughter of the Jews and part of the reason for the growth of Islam in the United States.

During the 1940s six million Jews were gathered, transported to death camps, and systematically exterminated. Few rational thinking individuals deny that this actually happened. Amongst these six million souls were: doctors, lawyers, musicians, artists, chemists, mathematicians, and people with useful minds who could have contributed to the betterment of mankind if they had not been deprived of life. Few fair-minded thinking individuals would argue with that assessment.

Muslims, those followers of Islam, represent one of the groups that deny the holocaust. Along with the Jews approximately twenty to thirty million Christians were killed in Russia and other countries. Because Muslims are offended by the assertion that the holocaust actually occurred, and what doesn’t offend them, is the fact that the United Kingdom has considered removing the history of the holocaust from their textbooks. It hasn’t happened yet, but it may in the near future.

To replace the twenty to thirty million European Jews and Christians that were killed by the Third Reich, European countries have invited around twenty million Muslims to come and be a part of their culture. The problem is that the Muslims have no interest in being a part of European culture or values. The Muslims brought with them: stupidity and ignorance, religious extremism and lack of tolerance, crime and poverty, and unwillingness to work and care for their families. Because of their slothfulness they have become a burden to the state. These human piranhas have blown up trains, killed innocent people, and turned beautiful ancient cities into ghettos of filth and crime. European governments have cowered in fear and ineptness while these interlopers installed their own separate society and Sharia Law. In all likelihood Europe will never recover from this self-inflicted invasion. And the breeding grounds for terrorists, death, misery, and ultimate destruction will surely follow.

Now Europe is being besieged by what are termed as refugees – most are well nourished males between seventeen and twenty-five years of age. German citizens have reported these hoodlums looting grocery stores and then completely trashing them. When called, the police were overwhelmed by the size of the mobs. Does that sound familiar to you?

Much like the Muslim enclaves in Europe – America’s inner cities are sites of misery and poverty. More than seventy-five percent of all young black men either have been, are, or will be in our penal institutions. The population of the majority of penitentiaries consists mainly of black inmates. These inmates, mostly young men who have never experienced any form of structure, discipline, or role model in their formative years easily succumb to the lure of Islam. Because of the male dominance which is taught by Islam – the religion, which is more a cult of oppression than a religion, provides young blacks with a feeling of worth, power, and structure to their lives. Once converted to the Islamic religion, young blacks return to their communities and work to convert their friends and associates to their new-found religion. Because of their built-in hatred – some will join the Jihad against America.

Our government plans to allow more and more Muslims into the United States. It is estimated that there will be somewhere around twelve million Muslims in the United States in just a few years. Very few of the Muslims coming to the US have any interest in being assimilated into our society or have regard for our laws or system of government. Couple this with the millions of blacks which have no interest in being assimilated, and we find the perfect recipe for a major clash between races, cultures, and ideologies in our nation.

The unintended aftermaths of what the German madman inflicted on Europe are self-evident. The future of the United States is being shaped by political correctness, the consequence of placating our growing Muslim population is more subtle – but the outcome of our naivety will produce the same result.

We need to examine each candidate seeking the presidency with care and caution – only an individual with the insight of, and courage to rid us of our national obtuseness can change the course of our history and prevent us from becoming Europe west.

Have a good week. Bill Shuey is a freelance writer from North Carolina.

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Tom Angle
9 years ago

It does not matter who is elected President. Not that there is a canidate running that is not in on the plan. What is happening goes so deep, that one person cannot change what is in motion.

Average Joe
Average Joe
9 years ago

It is proper we should ALWAYS mention and remember that reports state 12 million people were killed in the camps and not just 6 million Jews, The other 6 million non-Jews deserve the same respect and rememberances.


Tom Angle
9 years ago
Reply to  Average Joe

What is also overlooked is that Hitler was a piker compared to Stalin.

9 years ago

Why not hear about Islam from a woman who grew up as Muslim in the ME?