Connecticut Gun Rights Rally

On April 5, 2014, we’ll be gathering on the North side of the State Capitol Building at high noon to mark the first anniversary of the the signing of one of the most unconstitutional gun laws in the nation. Our keynote speaker will be noted gun rights activist and writer David Codrea. David has been featured in Guns and Ammo, Handguns, and Guns Magazine, where he writes the monthly “Rights Watch” column. He is also the National Gun Rights Examiner for, and writes the blog “The War on Guns”. He and Mike Vanderboegh (who spoke at our rally last year) were the ones that originally broke the story of Eric Holder’s Fast and Furious scandal.

We’ll have other speakers yet to be announced, as well as some candidates who we are hoping will oust the gun grabbers in November with your help.

When: April 5, 2014 from noon until 3pm
Where: Capitol Building, 210 Capitol Avenue, Hartford, Connecticut 06106

You may download a pdf of the flyer to print out and hang in your favorite gun store or club here:


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