Most conservatives support Florida’s so-called “Don’t Say Gay Bill”. However, many of these supposed conservatives apparently support the bill for the wrong reasons.
Many conservatives do not care about protecting children from LGBTQ indoctrination, they only care about protecting children from leftist indoctrination.
Most “conservatives” today are heading toward the same direction as liberals and leftists—they’re simply progressing at a slower speed.
Christless conservatives hate leftism, not sin. We Christians shouldn’t forget that.
They are generally our political allies, but they are not our philosophical allies. Jesus said: “Whoever is not with me is against me.” (Matthew 12:30)
That applies to conservatives too. Leftists aren’t the only people who are against Jesus. Christless conservatives are against Jesus too. Therefore, Christless conservatives have more in common with leftists than they have with Christians.
So although leftists are a bigger threat to our soceity, Christless conservatives aren’t the solution. Actually, they are part of the problem.
Yesterday, Dave Rubin and the man he calls his husband announced they’re fathers of two children through surrogate mothers. Many supposed conservatives, including commentators and media outlets like Candace Owens, Prager University, and The Blaze—shared their support.
If you’re unfamiliar with Dave Rubin, he is a political commentator on his talk show, The Rubin Report. He occasionally refers to himself as a conservative, but he mostly describes himself as a classical liberal.
I actually admire Dave Rubin a lot. I mentioned The Rubin Report in an article about my top ten favourite podcasts two years ago. In that article, I said: “Dave Rubin is the most interesting podcaster I follow.”
His interviews with Ben Shapiro, Jordan Peterson, Larry Elder, Douglas Murray, and many more have been so helpful to me. His firsts interviews with Ben Shapiro and Larry Elder especially shaped a lot of my thinking on racial issues. The interviews encouraged me to do further research—research that strengthened my blog. Truly, without The Rubin Report, my blog would be significantly weaker.
Nevertheless, Dave Rubin and the “conservatives” who support his announcement are part of the problem in our society.
In between their tweets about how LGBTQ indoctrination in public schools harm children, many supposed conservatives tweeted in support of Dave Rubin harming children.
Yes, Dave Rubin and the man he calls his husband are harming their children. I do not take any pleasure in saying that. But it’s true.
Just as children are a blessing to fathers and mothers, fathers and mothers are a blessing to children. It’s therefore harmful to remove that blessing from children through homosexual parenting.
As Katy Faust explains in her must-read book, Them Before Us, homosexual parenting deliberately violates a child’s right to a father and mother, with devastating consequences.
We shouldn’t have to explain this to “conservatives”. After all, many of the “conservatives” supporting Dave Rubin and his partner’s homosexual parenting are some of the people who rightly blame racial disparities on fatherlessness in black families.
Please take the time to read this article in its entirety. It seems “conservatives” will continue to embrace our Enemies Within to our own destruction.
Sin a little or sin a lot it is still the same thing, they have corrupted everything. I do not condone or approve of the homosexual lifestyle, especially homosexual parenting. It is a perversion and sin against God.
None of us are without sin but His will is that we repent (turn from) of it, not brag about and celebrate it.
Fighting the culture war now, by whiffing about these two fudge packers adopting children would be like taking out your AK and attacking the north because you want to participate in the Civil War. The culture war is over and lost. There was one side fighting. The Democrats. They will continue to fight until they have taken over every institution. At the moment, I am at a loss to determine which institution they have not successfully conquered but perhaps there is something left. Hell, even the churches are so culturally corrupt they’re practically unbearable. No pun intended. The fact that this guy takes time to write about these two pillow biters is hysterical because in the scheme of our current collapse they are meaningless. The time to fight these two was at the beginning of all of this gay in your face pride not at the end were they are now bold enough to insist the teachers teach your kindergartener about anal sex.
If I was this guy I think I would be spending more time buying guns and ammo and storing food because we are 30 trillion in debt on the books 40,000,000,000,000 in debt off the books printing money at the clip of about 1 &1/2 trillion per quarter ( sorry did I say print ? I meant pushing a button at the Fed and creating $1 trillion out of thin air. they don’t even bother to put it on paper anymore) led by a man who is clearly senile controlled by a cabal of people who hate this country and most of our major cities are now literally Third World countries. The Democrats are aggressively prosecuting and imprisoning their political enemies.
And this guy is worried about these two? As my grandmother used to say, “a day late and a dollar short.”
Call them what they really are … HOMOSEXUALS. Cancel them from society.
The blogger keeps referring to “conservatives”, which makes me want to ask the age old question: “What has ‘conservativism’ conserved?” The typical answer I hear to this question is: nothing.
Second, as godhelpus put it in the comment, “conservatives” lost the culture war. Instead of figuring out why, “conservatives” have doubled down on it in stupid ways with things like gay marriage bans and assorted bathroom bills, which they should have known would be struck down, and happen at the (political) expense of being able to address other, real pressing problems. Maybe they should consider that there are a lot of people who simply aren’t interested in buying what they are selling. Of course, it’s then easy to make some religious retort about how they’re not following Jesus or something while getting high and mighty claiming that they alone know what god wants, which conveniently happens to be what they believe.
So this blogger wants to make a culture war monument about a homosexual couple raising children and preach about all the harm it is doing. I do agree that a solid, stable, loving home with a mother and a father is the ideal environment in which to raise children. The standards that make a stable and productive society stem in the household and then extend to the community at large; hence the expression it takes a village to raise a child, which is true. However, there are a ton of children who are brought into the world in homes that are FAR from this ideal. I won’t belabor the point with a lot of examples, but drugs, poverty, violence, etc. are all examples of what I mean. From this perspective, a child raised by two people, who happen to be sexually attracted to the same gender, who love each other, love their children, provide for them, and who strive to help them to grow into honest, hard working people, is far better than what many children grow up in. Instead of prattling on about the sins of homosexuality, perhaps he should be spending his efforts addressing these types of problems, and no, telling people to go to church, read a book, or find Jesus isn’t going to cut it. Those things are external functions of a society that already has a stable base. They are results, not causes.
Lastly, I will respond to the “homosexual lifestyle” comment. I can see where this term is a seductive solution to “conservatives”. They believe that not only is homosexuality wrong (let’s forget the fact that it has existed since the dawn of time and humans aren’t the only species to engage in it) but that they KNOW that god says it’s wrong. This of course puts them in the proverbial position known as between a rock and hard place. You see, if it is wrong according to god, and god is perfect, then god could not have made them this way, and therefore it must be a choice and they’re denying their true nature.
Again, the culture war was lost. Stop making things worse by continuing to fight it by trying to use your beliefs as an excuse to justify using political power of the State to tell people to conform to your views. It’s a losing strategy and is making things worse, not better.
One other thing the blogger gets very wrong, which isn’t surprising seeing how his argument is full of false logic and equivalencies, is to assert that someone who doesn’t share his religious faith has more in common with the communist left and is his enemy. This too is a foolish and preposterous proposition. I am not a christian (nor am I atheist or agnostic) but I guarantee you I have more in common in terms of values, with most normal people than either this blogger or the leftists do.
Christ was an Anarchist… not a conservative or a liberal statist.
Luke 4:5-8