Consider This, Mr. Federal Agent

christian mercenary

by T.L. Davis

America has been on the brink of implosion for several years, even decades. Only those who were active during the Ruby Ridge and Waco actions of the federal government against the lives and liberties of their targets know how close America was to outright rebellion in the 1990’s.

Bunkerville will go down as another event in the counter-revolution. Yes, of course, the revolution has already taken place overthrowing the U.S. Constitution in favor of judicial dictate: a cooperation of high political office and the judiciary has sanctioned the overthrow. It is now an oligarchy where a few high offices and corporate leaders steer the nation toward control and away from individual liberty.

Federal agents believe in force. Their jobs require force. They have put their faith in a system they don’t even understand, because if they did, they would realize they are on the wrong side and cannot possibly win. That’s hard for them to imagine. They look out at their weapons and tactics, the training they have done and the tanks and helicopters at their disposal and imagine all of these assets being brought to bear on those silly citizens with rifles and pistols. Admittedly, it seems as if they have all the advantages, just like the British, just like Santa Ana.


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