Considering Your Tactics, Techniques And Procedures In The American Civil War II

The Gateway Pundit.

A Nebraska bar owner that killed a rioter has been charged with “terrorism” and “manslaughter” by a District Attorney who initially admitted it was blatant self defense.
The DA has also admitted that they were “pressured” by local activists and politicians to bring the charges.

The bar owner, Jake Gardner, has now been indicted by a grand jury on counts of manslaughter, use of a firearm in the commission of a felony, attempted first-degree assault and making terrorist threats.

On May 30, the 38-year-old bar owner confronted a group of rioters outside one of the bars he owns in Omaha and was knocked to the ground.

“From there, he fired two warning shots and tried to get to his feet, prosecutors said. As he did, Gardner got into a fight with one man, James Scurlock, 22. The two scuffled before Gardner fired a shot that killed him,” Yahoo News reports.

The incident prompted a wave of further “protests,” particularly after Donald Kleine, the Douglas County attorney, determined that Gardner had acted in self-defense and declined to bring charges.

“A week later, Kleine said in a statement that after hearing from local residents and elected officials he would welcome an outside review ‘in this rare instance.’ He added, ‘I made a decision and I would not change that decision based on everything I know today,’” the Yahoo report explains.

Douglas County District Court Judge Shelly Stratman then appointed a special council, Fredrick Franklin, an assistant U.S. attorney in the U.S. Attorney’s Office in Omaha, to handle the case, though they said they expected the same outcome.

Instead, Franklin bowed to pressure and dug up evidence and came up with charges.

“The manslaughter charge, he said, is related to Scurlock’s death; the attempted assault charge resulted from the second warning shot Gardner fired; the charge of making terrorist threats is linked to ‘a verbal confrontation’ that Gardner had with Scurlock, Franklin continued,” Yahoo reports.

War has been declared on you, your family, and your possessions.  You’ve seen enough instances like this to know how it’s going to go down.

You behave according to traditional Western and Biblical jurisprudence, and then the unthinkable happens.

You’ve been baited into a response.  Every action has been videoed.  A prosecutor charges you with some crime, or even decides not to.

The family of the one who has been shot gets on local television and cries and talks about what a “good boy” he was, and how he had such a bright future, complete with smiling pictures of the boy and local pastors talking about volunteer work he did.  It will all be covered by local talking heads in suits and pretty dresses, who look sad while listening, and show the utmost unction during the interviews.

Local politicians, who want to get reelected and need all the votes they can muster, pressure prosecutors.  The prosecutor changes his or her mind and convenes a “Grand Jury.”

Grand juries don’t have the same protections for you, are unconstitutional, and were constructed to get presumed convictions where they otherwise couldn’t (after all, a real jury would conclude, then why else would a grand jury have indicted someone?).  It doesn’t take a unanimous decision to indict on a grand jury.

The judge watches the local news too, and appoints a “special council” to investigate and prosecute your actions.  You get convicted, or even if you don’t, you spend your life savings and go bankrupt defending yourself.

This all happens if you use traditional TTPs to defend yourself and your family, even attempting to warn rioters with warning shots because you don’t really want to harm anyone, under the assumption that America is still a civilized and just society, not at war with itself.


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Rabbi Will McCubbins
Rabbi Will McCubbins
4 years ago

Wrong mindset. Once you’re forced to start ,keep on . You will not receive a just trial. So why go to trial?

4 years ago

Maybe if their leaders just started disappearing there wouldn’t be any uproar about the cell phone footage that wouldn’t exist.
If it’s time for this to go hot,then the rules change.

4 years ago

The cell phone and social media are enabling this uprising. Cut the commo, cut the video, and the insurrection comes down. Drop the towers…

4 years ago

It is Absolutely Clear now that the bolshevik/communist infiltration of the “government” at all levels, has reached the point where ANY ‘act of self-defense’ will be Persecuted. The ENEMY is not the ‘antifags’ and pavement apes, it is the very ‘officials’ that should be working to stop these Criminals. ‘police’, ‘judges’, ‘mayors’, ‘councilmen’, ‘bureaucrats’, and ‘lawyers’ are all Valid Targets when it goes “Hot” for the final Time.

Garry F. Owen, Trooper
Garry F. Owen, Trooper
4 years ago

Video everything. They are.