Conspiracy Theorists Are Creating their Own Nation | Decade of Hate

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2 years ago

Well, I am glad he cleared all that up for me, thank Biden we can be protected from their misguided concepts of freedom. After all, we all know a free country is really where the government is free to make any laws it wants!
In the best interest of this its rulers, I mean citizens of course.

2 years ago

Typical Satan! Deep State corruption produced these fringe groups and now they want to demonize them. Note how this all centers around Covid! Government has NO right mandating anything into our body! But because the global elites want everyone jabbed, they’ll stop at nothing to reach their goal of Depopulation. Typical Satan!

The Duke of New York
The Duke of New York
2 years ago

“Their bizarre anti-government conspiracy theoies”….that’s exactly what you’re gonna get out of the MSM for any attempt to be beyond the reach of fedgov, whatever country you’re in.

The key is, how do you really get beyond their reach? Is it just geographical distance, or something else? Can you get enough momentum and local acceptance to co-opt the local folks and authorities? How can you effectively, really ‘go Galt’ and not get a lead party favor for your troubles?

Asking for a friend

2 years ago

Here in Arkansas, I never met any sovereign citizens, or real racist, but I have only been here fifty years. To be accurate, I moved here from Chicago, where there was much more racism than here.

We live in a rural ranching and farming county, where most work hard, mind their own business and resent interference in theirs. We help our neighbors, and covid was never an issue here accept on TV. If push comes shove, the Sheriff and deputies, won’t really come looking for guns or to check on mask or vaccine status.

I have been going Galt, all my time here, it is the rural life style. To be sure if you make enough noise, or go to Washington some one will notice, but here in the country we are all ornery and indipendent and going Galt to one digree or another. We live in a different reality all together!
If you live in a big city, don’t believe the MSM about hill billies either.

I, obviously have too much time on my hands, but I am old, retired and I have lots of silly ideas about freedom and independence, I learned from Ann Rand and Robert Heinlein.

Aime Hart
Aime Hart
2 years ago

I agree with Lawnmore. I too, live in a rural community where the parking lots are full on Sunday mornings. I don’t know the policing peoples here intimately but if locale matters, all of it is a big ho hum around here. We wore masks because we had to, to buy groceries or get the mail. Guaranteed, it will not happen again, not for Covid anyway.
County is probably 1/3 vaccinated. As I read lately, that be another factor to consider.
Hiding places , while not the Hampton Inn or even Motel 6, probably are safer. They are everywhere, even with running water creeks and or rivers. Lots of mountains, nooks and crannies and even a great big cave.

Tom Angle
Tom Angle
2 years ago
Reply to  Aime Hart

I would not count on anyone that you do not know better than yourself when it comes to their lives and/or their families. You already stated you had to wear masks to get food and mail. What would the same people do if it was, say, so this or your kids die? If someone cannot stand when the punishment is really non-existent, why would you think they will stand when it is harsh?
As far as the full church parking lots. I seen the lack of any real faith in the churches. The pew sitters will be the first to turn on you and then think they are doing God’s work.
Just a thought, but if you are force to hide in a cave or thrown in a prison cell, isn’t is all the same?

2 years ago
Reply to  Tom Angle

Tom, all true, but, things are changing! When most people are getting hungry, or are hiding from bombs, many more will blame the government and might want a change. Then again the Germans ended up with up with Hitler, after a depression and war! I fear we will end up with ashes.

One nice thing about my hundred old rifles, is that if stored properly they will be good for another couple of hundred years, waiting for freedom to blossom again.

Tom Angle
Tom Angle
2 years ago

There ought to be things that bother a man more than death.

2 years ago
Reply to  Tom Angle

There are, shame, for not standing up when necessary!