Contractors pocketed $600 million, then farmed it out to India

What’s becoming incredibly apparent at this point is that the U.S. and Canadian contractors who collected $600 million to build this thing most likely just pocketed the cash and then subbed it out to contract programmers in India or Pakistan. Indian programmers are notorious for “programming to spec” but not with an overall vision that the thing should work. They are very competent programmers, in other words, but often lack the big picture view of how the application is supposed to be ultimately used.

Meanwhile, the operator who spoke to Sean Hannity about her front-line experience with the disastrous rollout has now been fired by the Obama administration. Today, Hannity gifted the woman a one-year salary of $26,000 and offered to help her find a job. Her name is Erling Davis, and she’s just the latest casualty of the Obama administration’s rampage against America.

“They fired me from my job,” she explains. “Two people escorted me upstairs to HR, and then it was three people… and we have to release you.” This termination of her job was, of course, without cause since the woman was extremely patient, honest and professional on the phone. She was doing exactly what she was hired to do: answer questions about Obamacare.

Apparently, HHS actually wants phone operators to LIE to callers instead of telling them the truth. If you lie enough, you get to keep your job. Heck, if you lie really, really well you might even get to be President!


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