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1 year ago


Green Hornet
Green Hornet
1 year ago

We are morally, ethically, and spiritually bankrupt. We are in default with our obligation to uphold the Constitution. Where are the vets? We’ve trained men and women for the past 20 years to break governments, why are they silent now?!
I’m no vet, I’m a dumb schmuck from the Midwest. I’m sick of being told I’m a coward for not “doing something”. I can barely afford to stay solvent, even with 2 jobs. Whatever, I have no say or choice in the matter, no future, except to watch it all get obliterated.

Louis Jenkins
Louis Jenkins
1 year ago

Our gubermint is corrupt! Of course you already knew that. Vote harder, post more biting comments on your favorite website, go to more school board meetings because they’re listening to you. (NOT!) It is all a waste of time. The website I monitor is full of posters cursing FJB, but no one is racking their AR15, making Molotov Cocktails, or even prepping food stores. That’s fine, I am continuing with my preparations and training. The rulers of our nation are stealing the life blood of our country.

1 year ago
Reply to  Louis Jenkins

Man is corrupt. Even our beloved George Washington faced with post-revolutionary war bills and NO REAL MONEY (I.E. Gold-Silver) sent TROOPS to collect the infamous Whiskey Tax from Americans.

DRenegade, I wish I knew your sources that show there is something to salvage from the corpse of our once fine Republic.

I could use the reassurance as an amateur historian and avid Bible reading Christian, I see way too many parallels to Isiaha Chapter 3 God’s Judgement AGAINST Judah just before Jerusalem was destroyed by the Babylonians.

God’s “Chosen People” enslaved by the Babylonians, and it was several GENERATIONS before they repented enough to return and rebuild the “Promised Lands”.

OUR Babylonians are the satanic woke globohomo.

I’d love to be wrong, I’m at the table over there with a cup of coffee, PLEASE prove me wrong with facts, links and scriptures. Flaming emotions is what we MOCK the leftists about, right?

1 year ago

Dump your stocks. Why is everyone supporting devil mega corporations? Us this not stupid?

1 year ago

Thank God for Ted Budd, and go to H Greg Murphy