There it is folks…
— MJTruthUltra (@MJTruthUltra) October 22, 2024
🚨 Governor Roy Cooper of North Carolina just confirmed that Certain Areas won’t be Rebuilt and they’re Buying Out Entire Communities Affected by “Climate Change”
“We’ve spent a lot of time on the way we approach rebuilding… in some areas, you just…
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What possible rationale could there be for NOT rebuilding after what was a one-in-a-thousand-year storm?
Is the right honorable Gov suggesting that there might be another one-in-a-thousand-year storm in the next few years, or even decades?
What would make him think that? If his answer would be global warming (which it probably would be); then where else would be safe to build?
Any way he cuts it, this makes no sense … except as an excuse for a land grab.
p.s. This, of course, means one of two things:
The Governor is mentally handicapped; or,The Governor has a personal vested interest ($$) in whatever venture would profit from the land grab — in other words he is corrupt; bought out; on the take; etcEither of these options could be the reason for the slow/failed response in the early days after the hurricane’s passing.
My money’s on option #2.
p.p.s. I can’t rule out option #1, though.
Could be both. Embrace the healing power of “AND”.
That commie faggot is bought n paid for. Option #3.
The cadaver dogs that have already died, and the ones that are dying have been poisoned by something toxic in the silt -- so the story goes. Since these were dogs sent in by individuals and contractors, before FEMA showed up, there could be some truth. There is a toxic waste reclamation plant upstream that is missing 35 barrels of waste. That was originally covered up by being called training barrels. So the story goes. That plant was engaged in reclining plutonium. There is also that oddball 48 hours when FEMA and the National Guard pulled out -- which some have suggested was a bit of panic over the potential for radioactive contamination. I have no receipts other than videos on the web -- so no way to assess veracity. It could explain why FEMA wants to bulldoze and not recover buried bodies. This could all be unfounded speculation.
Yep, just follow the money trail.
What is under the land they intend to scam?
I don’t know for certain, *but* there have been some lithium mines given the OK to operate recently.
there is another one, but I can’t remember the name of it (Kings Mountain, maybe?).
Carolina Tin-Spodumene Belt geology report:
I’d guess, and it’s just a guess, that the mining corporations found some irresistible mineral deposits that were -- temporarily and inconveniently -- owned by filthy peasants.
There is also quartz that they need.
I believe they would like to do the same thing to Western NC. It is important to know these comments were made in respect to hog farms in eastern NC. Farmers were bought out and the farms were no more. This gives us insight into what they may be thinking about the current Western NC territory.
I want to see him criminally prosecuted by the new Governor, hopefully Robinson for abetting the murders of all those people. This pro transgender, pro sodomite pig of a man is in league with the D.C. Whore crowd, and he is in Obama and Eric Holders pocket. The dog has committed treason many times over.
And just like that, a possible confirmation of the corporate land grab!
Okay, North Carolinians, the ball is in your court. Plan accordingly. Bleib ubrig.
Crooked bastards. What are they supposed to do, relocate to Vegas like the Hawaiians?
When Governor Goober used the word “green” that told me all I need to know.
This is Agenda 21/30/50 in action displacing the people and setting up their green zones where humans won’t be allowed to live in.
And of course it could be for the vast resources in that area to mine and sell off to their Chinese masters.
And we’re about to elect cooper’s butt boy as governor.
Globalist land grab! Remember Maui! “You will own nothing and be happy.” -- Klaus Schwab
Hope some hillbillies smoke that commie faggot.