Cop Gets FIRED For Donating To The Kenosha Kid, Chauvin Conviction Just Proved BLM Right

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3 years ago

Is it considered “conservative ” if you don’t break the law or if you care about constitution? I am very confused by all the label’s put on different groups…still trying to figure out what the hell I am myself these days.
Is there a REALIST party? Should be..I’d definitely join

3 years ago

A lot of conservatives will say “back the blue” when it is the blue who will arrest them for not wearing a mask. The “blue” will enforce unconstitutional laws that their handlers tell them to enforce. The cops will say “I’m just doing my job!” Sorry buddy but the Nuremberg defense doesn’t cut it here in the US of A. Here’s one more thought. Joe Biden’s gun control agenda will be enforced by the “blue.” Actually, it will be black because the SWAT team guys no longer wear blue. To the idiots who say back the blue, be careful what you wish for.

3 years ago
Reply to  X-Beast

You can’t lump all the law enforcement in one basket. They will not all fall in lock step with the corrupt socialist anti Americans.

Truth in Tension
Truth in Tension
3 years ago
Reply to  Bill

So far most have.