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- Richard on Mentally Ill
- DWEEZIL THE WEASEL on Pam Bondi: Bring Charges
- DWEEZIL THE WEASEL on We Will Never Move Forward until Racism Is No Longer Allowed to Be a Tool to Divide Us
- ColdSoldier on Mentally Ill
- ColdSoldier on We Will Never Move Forward until Racism Is No Longer Allowed to Be a Tool to Divide Us
Not since Sodom and Gomorrah has such evil been tolerated, will you bring your children to them? All that comes to my mind is vile, putrid and evil.
Tom, they are all on their way to HELL and rightfully so. there is not turning back for these demon children of satans kingdom. and the ones who approve of the acts but don’t do it are far worse because they know it’s wrong and continue approving of them.
Yep Phil, you mentioned you were Italian, my prior in laws immigrated from Sicily. Hard working salt of the earth.
These vile, mentally damaged he-she’s are Cleary Not right in the head at all and that is absolutely Not the place for children. My god wtf is going on seriously with America?
Spiritual Warfare, the intentional destruction of morality and Christianity in America and the free world.
Unconvential Unrestricted Domestic Warfare.
How hard is it to push over a rotten tree?
these are mentally ill psychotic reprobates, and their minds are darkened, and their coconscious’s are seared. once the conscious is seared as per scripture your next destination is “HELL”, there is no return from that state.
Death is there only answer for these reprobates who do such evil and wicked things. The ones who give acceptance to it, but don’t perform the acts, the scripture states are worse than the ones who commit the acts, because they know it’s wrong but approve of it.
If there was a distinctive culture for men and women (pertaining to gender roles) in America that was beneficial and workable for society, it would likely naturally give way to heterosexual norms, but like with everything else throughout this society and culture, people tend to make choices based on an individual worldview, which if the cultural underpinnings were foundational towards a more unified directionality, it would be a different outcome. However, throughout much of the history of this country, it’s been only one side that builds culture, and that’s the satanic/freemasonic side. Until and unless the non-satanic side commits itself to building a cohesive culture, comprising of its own economy, education, and teaches according life skill-sets, it has no footing and can only expect to continually be reactive rather than proactive. Many of the individuals in the LGBTQ+ are filling a cultural void left by the church system as well as widespread institutional failure at all levels.
I went over to see my little brother February 2019 . His concubine was a committed atheist and a practicing witch . Her and I were always like oil and water . She basically led Dougie into confessing their unbelief and apostasy to me . It scared me for them and their souls . We soon got into a heated argument and she banned me from ever visiting my brother ever again . I started praying for them powerfully and for many long hours . After a couple of weeks of prayer the Lord spoke to me very strongly and in power . ” Do not pray for her again ” He said . I broke down and wept . I continued to pray for Dougie and he died February 2019 . I can only hope that the Lord granted my prayers for him and sent a harvester for his soul . Watching this video brought back that Holy Fear into my soul for those poor deluded souls that have embraced this evil . I still pray for America and her people but I suspect that soon I will hear Him say ” Do Not Pray for Her Again ” !
Typo. Dougie passed in February 2021 . She moved him away from us up to the Upper Peninsula Michigan and I never got to see him again . I am unsure about praying for the dead athough I know it is a Catholic doctrine I believe it may be a true doctrine because I still pray for my little brother . And America although they are both dead and I have not been rebuked for my prayers yet . If you are so inclined please help me pray ! Here is the last picture taken of him boating on Lake Superior .
[…] ATF is changing definitions of legally purchased firearms and harassing law obiding citizens. The “Queer Agenda” is out in full force going after children. People are dropping at young ages for “no reason” and most people […]
This is the wonton work of the National Education Assoc.. They have been pushing this agenda. Way back (1960’s), when we allowed God to be taken out of American schools, they inched and inched and they are in the PUSH phase now. I don’t know if our country is even redeemable now. Only God can help us maybe.