Police said a woman who was lawfully carrying a pistol shot and killed a man who began shooting at a crowd of people Wednesday night in Charleston.
Dennis Butler was killed after allegedly shooting at dozens of people attending a graduation party Wednesday near the Vista View Apartment complex. No injuries were reported from those at the party.
Investigators said Butler was warned about speeding in the area with children present before he left. He later returned with an AR-15-style firearm and began firing into the crowd before he was shot and killed.
I wonder why that little tidbit never showed up in the Khazar-owned national media. 50 bux says the “AR style weapon” was chambered in .22 LR.
OK, “realwesterner” I’ll bite Why would you care WHAT Caliber the Firearm the thug used on innocent folks?
Not powerful enough to harm or kill folks you think?
I’ve seen your name and comments before, and your style is always the same.
I looked up The Khazars[a] (/ˈxɑːzɑːrz/) were a semi-nomadic Turkic people that in the late 6th-century AD established a major commercial empire covering the southeastern section of modern European Russia, southern Ukraine, Crimea, and Kazakhstan.[15]
So, you think Turkish Nomads own our media? Bizarre
Khazars converted to Judaism. Most of the Ashkenazi Jews are not Semitic people, but from the Steppes of Europe (Khazarians). So, I believe what Realwesterner is referring to is the Jews that are not Jews who are ruining Western Civilization. If you check, you will find a disproportionately large number of Khazarians/Jews owning and officers in the MSM, corporations, and in our government. If you do some research you will find proof of this.
Interesting but I judge folks by their behavior not their genetics.
But then again some of my Grandparents fled Germany after Kristallnacht. Pretty sure they were not Turkish 🙂
In the traditional Catholic Mass, the conversion of the jews and their perfidiousness is mentioned in prayer. Sure, not all jews are perfidious, but too many of them are. Read “Secret Societies and Subversive Movements” by Webster……the best part is at the end when she analyzes the activities of the jews.
I back you. EVERYONE now seems to just want to point fingers. Well, point them at the one in the mirror first, ALL of us are guilty of multitudes of sin. SIN is the issue along with our arrogance in rejecting Christ- of course once we’ve turned to follow Christ we are absolved, but our collective historical sins through generations are the blame and cause of all of life’s troubles. Not a particular group, nation, or generation. Who am I to say this or that is the cause…the cause began with Adam.
You should judge folks by their behavior (works) and not their genetics. There are a large number of people who have worked their way into positions of power and influence, and use genetics and a “force field” to prevent anyone from taking action against them. We are judging them by their acts.
Never heard of the Khazars, yet you make a big issue in describing them, and such. Went out of your way to try to minimize it, for some odd reason. The Bolsheviks were Zionist JEWS, Khazars unrelated to Shem, and are therefore not Semitic. These scum murdered 100 Million Russian Christians before Hitler ever came around, or Krystalnacht was ever dreamed of, yet we hear nothing of them. Khazars own the Media is why. Must be a Khazar thing, where they pretend to be something they are not. Fake Jews -- Khazars. LIARS and MURDERERS, assuming whatever identity suits them. The seed of the serpent is what they are. LITERALLY. The elongated skulls of Peru trace their genetics to the SAME place between the Black and Caspian seas. This is what the Rothschild’s and their ilk are. “They mingle themselves with the seed of man” just as Daniel describes. “The iron mingled with the clay.”
“And I know the blasphemy of those who say they are Jews, and are not, but are the Synagogue of satan.”
Michael is apparently unaware that Chase Bank in D.C. sent the Nazi gov’t 25 million dollars six months prior to their invasion of Poland. Please do some more reading as you’ve got a long way to go. Also do some research on how many people the Bolsheviks killed in Russia in their death camps (hint: it was more than the reprehensible Nazi’s).
Read the book entitled, “Why I left Racist, Marxist Israel.” Newer printing exclude the racist and marxist part of the title…..the author is a jew who says that non-ka-Nazi jews are first class citizens in Israel, while the Sheppardim natural-born are second class citizens.
Thank you!
So this narrative of there being “Jews who aren’t Jews” then could be carried out that Hitler didn’t actually kill that many actual Jews. He killed a lot of fake Jews. But it’s true that Jews (real/fake) run our MSM, government, Hollywood, etc.
Wow, you sure went down a rabbit trail!….who is the moron here??
A .22 just angers people and some have even had a .22 deflect off a head shot.
Either way the jerk with the rage against the crowd show have been taken down anyway.
And I could not agree with Wayne Allen more, ANY mass murderer (2 or more killed in any fashion, ie knife, car, truck, bat, spoon…etc) should be tried within a day or 2 and if found guilty of murder, put before a firing squad the next day, ALL THIS WOULD STOP IN 30 DAYS!!
LOL 22LR the harmless round 🙂 You’re speaking to EMS here and I’ve treated more gunshots as a civvie than I did as a 20 year Combat Medic. 22LR is pretty popular even in the age of Glock gangbangers.
More than two decades working Trama Centers.
Plenty of dead from 22 LR. Angers people LOL, that’s an understatement.
Evil is evil, Sin is Sin. All will stand before God and answer for what they do. Forgiven by the Blood of the Lamb means you have Jesus as your Lawyer.
This “Moron” stands by his words.
A 22 LR is not a harmless round, it can kill you and cause as much harm as any other round. The thing about the 22 is it will ricochet inside you causing a lot of damage if you survive.
which round would you rather get shot by, genius Michael.
personally I do not want to get hit by any caliber. Either way a 22lr fired through a long rifle gives gives good velocity verses a pistol in the same caliber. The article say ar15 rifle so more than likely it was .223/5.56. Personally I’m glad he’s dead so that he cant pull this stunt again. Your personal choices have consequences.
The story is a long one, and I don’t have the hours it would take to tell it all. In short Judaism was coopted by Khazars and the Babylonian Talmud was included in their structure. The Babylonian Talmud is highly satanic and promotes pedophilia, child sacriftce, the drinking of blood and basic tenets that those outside the faith are sub human. 95% of modern jews are these talmudian khazars.
Originally, “jew” meant of the tribe of Judah, or from Judea, and while people associate the word “jew” with Israelite, they are no longer synonymous. God separated the 10 northern tribes of Israel from Judah and Benjamin when Solomon worshipped foreign gods. Then Judah was dragged off into captivity, then reorganized, then again disbanded and destroyed for their hardness of heart and idolatry.
The ten northern tribes became the Scythyians, and eventually settled in the British Isles, Scandinavia, Germany, France and the Netherlands. Many of the true Jews also engaged in this migration/diaspora and Hezekiah’s grand daughters and the prophet Jeremiah ended up in Ireland via Iberia and Egypt. One grand daughter is Tea Tamar, and married an Israelite prince. The other was Scota, from which Scotland derives its name. Jeremiah is buried in Ireland. The Scottish Declaration of Independence traces the royal Scottish lineage back to King David.
Like the fake Israel (modern day Israel) filled with fake jews, there will soon be a fake messiah standing in a rebuilt temple declaring himself to be God. This is foretold in the Bible. And read Christ’s parable of the fig tree. This is the story of the modern state of Israel. Fake jews in a fake Israel with a fake messiah will lure all the fake Christians with themselves into the lake of fire.
As to the issue of the 22-when the NFAC was making their mark, there was a photo in the media of several of them in a crowd brandishing their rifles. One of them was carrying a .22 AR with a round that had jammed sideways in the chamber and sticking out the ejection port-apparently when he tried to chamber a round. Later, one of them shot three of his mates, so their cumulative firearms incompetence kinda stood out-in spite of the media’s declarations to their fierce, warrior credentials. The .22 remark just harkens back to those incidents in an ironic fashion.
Have a great day, brother.
Undoubtedly they are the same satanic Jews that worshipped Molech and Baal in their groves and high places, again nothing new under the sun.
Thank you, I shall have a great day, He is Risen.
I still judge folks for what they do not their genealogy. After all the half breed “Good Samaritan” was an example of someone to be happy to have around.
Jesus didn’t spend his time around the “Holy” Pharisees but the crude talking fishermen, a known lady of the night and spoke to those that needed forgiveness, like the multi-husband woman at the well.
Very altruistic. But you should hear what they say about you. And worse, what they do say about the Messiah. A couple of quotes from Rabbi Abe Finkelstein “We are god’s people, but our god is lucifer” and “we drink the blood of white children on the sabbath”.
When Christ accosts the scribes -kennites, baal worshippers, and also pretenders to Judaism- He tells them “The devil is your father and his lusts ye will do.”
I don’t hate anyone by heritage…I do hate pedos and murderers and slanderers and blasphemers. Should they repent, then its a new day. God is just. If not, God is just.
Torah = God
Talmud = Humans
Kabbala = Satan
Michael, you’re dumber than a box of rocks.
LOL and you figure that out exactly how?
Proverbs 26 describes a foolish person thusly
17 Like one who grabs a stray dog by the ears
is someone who rushes into a quarrel not their own.
1 An unfriendly person pursues selfish ends
and against all sound judgment starts quarrels.
2 Fools find no pleasure in understanding
but delight in airing their own opinions.
3 When wickedness comes, so does contempt,
and with shame comes reproach.
Someday Sue you’re going to need something from someone you’ve offended. Words like fired bullets are not easily recalled.
Now that woman has what is called gun control.
Something fishy here!
Yea it stinks, just like the rest of the BS.
Unbelievable. Some jackass is at the morgue because he got mad that people told him to slow down. He didn’t think that out very well.
The MSM is NOT reporting this news. It goes against their communist belief that the people should be armed.
The MSM run by communist and their news is not worth a darn anymore.
Your correct Leethal, it’s not in their narrative so it never gets reported or if FORCED to report MIS-Reported.
We are Walking into a very hot summer as “peaceful Protestors” Hot.
As ole Remus used to say “Stay away from crowds”.
As this “Dumber than a box of rocks” (thanks Sue for the new tagline) says Food is a weapon, don’t be disarmed.
This is the very reason we all need to be prepared to stop people like this guy Dennis Butler, get rid of the concealed carry permit and let every one carry a gun to STOP jerks like this guy.
Not part of Leftist narrative. This screams of why we need MORE Conceal Carry permits, especially voluntary on school campuses. With signs posted that state “Be aware that the staff at ____ school is armed and will use whatever force is necessary to protect our students.” Without deterrents, the crimes will continue!