
For those people who distrust or dislike Elon Musk, that is your personal opinion. When your accomplishments are on his scale, maybe someone will give your opinion some credibility.

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Green Hornet
Green Hornet
4 months ago

My faith lighted the path to my mom, my dad, and my sister receiving Christ as their savior. That’s my biggest accomplishment.
Elon is one of, if not the biggest contributor to the Beast System.
-- Electric cars: hackable, trackable, geofence-able pods to keep us trapped in 15 min cities.
-NeuraLink: to make us a hivemind collection of automatons.
-- Starship: for the elite to escape what’s coming to the earth
-- AI: to enslave us.
None of these technologies is inherently good or evil. It’s the application that drives the motive.

Happy Friday. I expressed my opinion. Stacked against a multi billionaires, it doesn’t amount to much, and i hope I’m wrong about him and his inventions.

a follower, working on it.
a follower, working on it.
4 months ago
Reply to  DRenegade

Consider ‘Technological singularity’ and the effects. Look at x and twitter, look at face book , has our morality increased, or do we see more people getting away with what they can with no earthly, consequences?
” When your accomplishments are on his scale, maybe someone will give your opinion some credibility.”
Should we apply that to everyone?
So he is off limits, un reproachable? What are we taught about partiality?
FREE ! Yes it was awful nice of Trump and Elon to make a big tadoo and spectacle of the man doing the right thing for the devastated areas of the U.S. most especially since Elon has been in bed and working with and for the U.S. Government for how long? Tell me again where the Government gets its money from?

Last edited 4 months ago by a follower, working on it.
4 months ago

Does anybody else find it amusing that a fool is ranting AGAINST Technology WHILE using IT.

He was posting against Evil USING EVILS TOOLS it seems.

Everything can be used for Evil, get over it. Sin is personal you’re on the hook for it before God. Choose wisely what you use or CHOOSE NOT to use.

Personally, I like electricity. And I seem to like Musk mostly, so in such fools’ eyes I must LOVE SATAN or something.

Shaking my Head.

a follower, working on it.
a follower, working on it.
4 months ago
Reply to  Michael

Does any body find it amusing that you think it necessary to begin by calling me a fool? Sadly there will be.
Do we worship Musk now for electricity?

4 months ago

Do you WORSHIP somebody for electricity?

Strawman idiocy at its worst.

Mary Combs
Mary Combs
4 months ago
Reply to  Green Hornet

Nura-Link -- no tool should be thought of as inherently good or evil. This tool has many positive uses for assisting people with devastating neurological injuries and diseases. That’s the context in which Musk developed this tool. How many wise women got burnt at the stake for using the ‘tools’ of natural plant based medicines?

To deny the injured the blessing of being healed by Musks inventions would not accord with my definition or outcomes of God’s will. IMHO branding Musk as Evil or untrustworthy because his inventions have the potential to be used for evil is equivalent to the attitudes that resulted in Wise women to be put to the stake. Under those criteria, every successful inventor -Ever- would be branded as evil.

If Musk’s ACTIONS are evil, brand him as evil for those actions, but not just because he is a brilliant and talented inventor and engineer.

4 months ago
Reply to  Green Hornet

Luke 10:18
King James Version
18 And he said unto them, I beheld Satan as lightning fall from heaven.
The prince of the power of air, Lucifer (Satan) is associated with electricity ⚡️.

Al Buckner
Al Buckner
4 months ago

God allows certain individuals to be born with intelligence and the drive to be inventors. Elon is one of those individuals. Like him or not he is a visionary, our forefathers and others before were visionary. He is a very intelligent individual, Electric car, Space Explorer, Portable Wi-Fi satellite, $10,000+ Houses, Cell phone, etc.
Trump recently said Elon will be Secretary of Cost Cutting. NASA and many money sucking government fatcats agencies will be eliminated or deeply downsize.

4 months ago

And if the commies are defeated in two weeks, Elon’s conversion to MAGA and his purchase of Twitter / restoring it as a free speech (relatively) platform will be among the major factors.

a follower, working on it.
a follower, working on it.
4 months ago

And since you will not continue a conversation , you attack and move on
a follower, working on it.
 1 day ago
 Reply to  DRenegade
No Lords And No Peasants
Some of my thoughts and view:
This is a clever way of saying no slaves and no servants, Elon is like so many others, he is a salesman, what is it he is selling? 
No matter how they “phrase it”, there is always a pecking order. That is Nature! Trump working a drive through for a day, does he know you? Do you ‘ know’ him? Elon working for some moments with his workers , spending a day with them, laughing, joking, being a guy, Does he know you? Do you know him?
There is a pecking order for a reason. Without a clear pecking order (chain of command) what happens to a business, a Country? Could we not connect to lawlessness?
How many people do we ‘know’ on line? i ask my self sometimes of my wife of 37 years, does she even know me? Chuckle!
The Bible, yes the Bible, speaks of slaves and masters, and how we, ‘both-sides’ should treat each other. People if willing could learn a lot if they truly were to study and follow the recommendations within.
Back to Elon and some of his associates and past times. 
Burning man, Why do these people only do this for a set period of time? How did that end in 2023, was it a sign?

a follower, working on it.
a follower, working on it.
4 months ago

And before anyone jumps in and tells David how much they appreciate Him and this site know also that i also appreciate Him and His time.

4 months ago

Proverbs 12:

…15The way of a fool is right in his own eyes, but a wise man listens to counsel. 16A fool’s anger is known at once, but a prudent man overlooks an insult. 

I could flood this comment with many more speaking about your excessive pride and so on.

A passive aggressive fool is the worst.

But go on and continue to tell us just how wise in occult hidden knowledge you have with your fancy use of obscure “god Words”.

a follower, working on it.
a follower, working on it.
4 months ago
Reply to  Michael

Good to see you are back, and look at the timing, to distract and ignore what i am trying to convey. Sure have missed you.

4 months ago

Never left, always amused at the 3-year-old trying to get into Adult conversations.

But you never learn, do you?

a follower, working on it.
a follower, working on it.
4 months ago

How can you not see it? The contradiction, the iorny? In the initial post: Can you see it and laugh at yourselves? 
No Lords And No Peasants
Musk tells us everyone eats at the same table. Yet many of you seem to immediately move him to the Head of that table! No Lords and No Peasants yet by some comments we are told he is untouchable, above any reproach because of his accomplishments and status. Any one with any disagreement his met with by calling names accusations etc. 
we have been warned of all of this. Others who see this need to take note and Stand up! The world seeks out yes men. 

4 months ago

Your collection of assumptions has already been delt with in this thread.

Yet you continue.

How many days until the “Selection”?
How many real world wars are threatening WW3?
America is well on its way to Isaiah chapter 3 destruction, perhaps as the WHORE of Babylon.

Yet in your world Musk and the ASSUMED WORSHIP of Him (often debunked but why should That stop you?) is MOST Important.

God deals with people both one on one in personal sin and in mass for Nations that sin against Him.

You’re not the only Watchman on the Wall, sir.