Critique of Civic Nationalism

Blood is not “bullsthit”. Nations are nothing but blood; the soil is merely the ground they happen to have conquered and hold. Civic nationalism, which is based on substituting “ideas” for blood, is pure satanic evil, a self-serving inversion that allows late-coming minorities to redefine themselves as the legitimate heirs to the people they have dispossessed.

But despite their best efforts, many nations will survive to the end, and new nations will arise from the ashes of the heterogeneous empires, as they always do. What God hath put asunder, let not man attempt to join together. And for those who don’t realize how deeply and fundamentally evil the position asserted by Sarah Hoyt and her fellow civic nationalists is, consider the words of John Locke on the subject.

No damage therefore, that men in the state of nature suffer from one another, can give a conqueror power to dispossess the posterity of the vanquished, and turn them out of that inheritance, which ought to be the possession of them and their descendants to all generations. The conqueror indeed will be apt to think himself master: and it is the very condition of the subdued not to be able to dispute their right. But if that be all, it gives no other title than what bare force gives to the stronger over the weaker: and, by this reason, he that is strongest will have a right to whatever he pleases to seize on. 
– John Locke, Of Conquest, Second Treatise on Civil Government, 1690

The civic nationalist conservatives aren’t merely wrong and stupid, they are outright evil. They are the secular version of the Churchians, and like the Churchians, they have substituted the perception of niceness for the pursuit of the truth. Also like the Churchians, they have actively worked to destroy the very institution that they profess to love.

Read Vox Day

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2 months ago

The US is not a nation, it is an empire. A failing one at that. It used to be held together by a majority people who shared common values, history, heritage, and identity even though they, or their ancestors, came from different parts of Europe.
Today, the only thing holding it together is force and it’s a losing battle. When it comes apart, it’s likely going to be like Sarajevo on steroids. When this happens, will the higher IQ of the white Indo-Europeans overcome the brutality learned over centuries of the non whites?

2 months ago

If God shows no partiality, then Civic Nationalism is the way to go. It’s the opposite that would be demonic. God’s view is the arbiter of Truth.

Michael AU
Michael AU
2 months ago
Reply to  Martha

There is the reality that you might want fairness but others (foreigners) don’t & won’t. I have seen it in my life, reaching out to Christians of other races, but them having an attitude of ethnocentrism, not wanting to mix .Even looking at history, it was a Christian Goth leader named Fritigern who was a refugee that raised an army that ended up killing a Christian Roman emperor named Valens.
Because they are Christian does not mean they wouldn’t undermine the host cultures. Remember there are leftists who call themselves Christians who are part of Black lives matters who hate whites.
In the Bible there is no partiality when it comes to salvation but there is partiality in other things. E.g. Paul sent back the runaway slave back to his master to continue being a slave, or women submitting to their husbands.