DA rebukes Cherokee County deputy after new filings in 2022 shooting

Jason Harley Kloepfer stands at the door with his hands up one second before officers fired. Jason Kloepfer video

New filings in the civil suit Jason Harley Kloepfer filed seven months after he was shot by police in the doorway of his own home cast a new shadow over the Cherokee County Sheriff’s Office.

The new documents, filed March 21 in federal court, include several sworn affidavits that offer new information that could impeach the credibility of multiple current and former deputies. One claims that Lt. Milton “Sport” Teasdale, the head of the sheriff’s office’s investigative unit, outright lied to a magistrate, District Attorney Ashley Welch and one of her assistant district attorneys in the hours after the shooting — the time before word worked its way up the chain of command that Kloepfer had a camera in his house that caught the whole incident and debunked what for a little while would be the official narrative.


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1 day ago

Listen to creed fisher. When u come take mine. This site orosrlt u all are chugging hopium. Montana ain’t in the hopium business. Vote and feel special. Yo 30 years behind.

1 day ago
Reply to  Ackerman

Ruby RIDGE!!! OLD NEWS. At some point…WTF. Lord knows it all and I surely do not. Voting is missing in the wind. Ray Charles could see that.

1 day ago
Reply to  Ackerman

Old News, just like folks who keyboard yet don’t get busy.

You asking for permission to act GIVEN your vast knowledge of the issues?

Or are you another keyboard wanting to tell the NEWS so others can get busy?

Your in good company.

“Every man always has handy a dozen glib little reasons why he is right not to sacrifice himself.”
― Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn, The Gulag Archipelago 1918–1956

1 day ago

OMG, I read the news article completely. Human beings continue to amaze me. This is a movie script.