Dallas DA reveals plan for ‘ending mass incarceration’ for petty crimes, slashing probation and bail

At least the people in Texas now realize that they have a two-tiered, race based justice system. Most of the country still believes that we live under the rule of law.

David DeGerolamo

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Obama's brain
Obama's brain
5 years ago

I was unaware that any official can ignore which laws he has to enforce. I believed, perhaps wrongly, that all officials take an oath to uphold the Constitution and laws of the Republic. It appears to me that this critter has demonstrated that he is unfit for any role in government and that he should immediately removed. Any official that fails to act to remove him must approve of his declared policies and therefor are beyond the pale.

I weep for Dallas.

Louis smith
Louis smith
5 years ago

And anyone believing that we live under the communist directorate “rule of law” should be corrected. We the people of the United States, live under The Rule of CONSTITUTIONAL Law. Afghanistan opetates under the rule of law, and theyhave no- we the people- component!

Phil Jordansky
Phil Jordansky
5 years ago

Dallas is ruled by a city government comprised primarily of prior convicted criminals. That their justice system is being tiered and corrupted by lawyers with no spine, no moral compass, no right, or wrong switch, no loyalty to the Constitution, and no honor, is to be expected. The first criminal sanctuary city! Where’s Snake Pliskin when you need him?