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- kal kal on No More NGO Invasion Funds
- kal kal on No More NGO Invasion Funds
- kal kal on No More NGO Invasion Funds
- kal kal on Two Questions
- kal kal on Trump on FAA Diversity Requirements
Get ready people we will soon be going to a hot war with these lunatic satanic very wicked nut bags. If the American people allow this to continue under there communist WEF/WHO rules, then they will be rounded up and forced at gun point by the Federale LEO’S and put on death trains never to be seen or heard from again. there has to be Something worth dying for if not your loved ones, and this is the duty of every head of their household to protect their family no matter what the cost is.
Glen Beck selling fear book plus a$30 subscription to the Blaze.
Since when is telling the truth selling fear? No one is forcing you to spend any money. Do you disagree with any of the content in this video?
Just looked n Amazon for Beck’s book. Cost:$28 and change plus tax. No thank you. There are great writers as yourself all over providing info for free.
Again, no one is forcing you to buy anything. I am not going to buy his book. The information that Beck puts out is well researched and he always says to do your on research on what he presents. I doubt anyone has been trying to warn people about this evil government and its supporters more than he has.
I come on your site to read what you write. I do a lot of reading. I have the time as I am retired. I do find that reading is becoming a lost art. In general, I am finding people cannot read ten pages never mind 300 or so. This is my sad commentary on the state of citizens. I do enjoy your commentary. I want to read what Everyman has to say. If I tried to count all the books, mugs, tee shirts I had to buy online from YouTube influencers, I would be broke. I turned on 106.1 FM in my car this morning after reading NC Renegade. Glen Beck was hawking his book. “ Buy my book!”
He does not offer any real solution. We need solutions. And that will be different for each one of us. We need to network locally and even that is a hassle because most folks don’t want to read or gather together to discuss what we are facing. Thank you for all you do, Dave. I truly respect your hard work and efforts.
I be agree with Dave and numerous other free news journalists.
Who the hell wants to buy Glenn Beck’s new book? What baloney. This guy makes $50 million a year. So he plays scary music and says scary things….what a jackass.
So you write two comments stating the same thing. If the truth is “scary”, why are you attacking the messenger? Again, do you disagree with any of the content in this video?
Yes, thank you for allowing 2 similar comments. The messenger is out to sell his book and get $30 Blaze subscriptions. I do not rely on messengers making $50 million per year -- personalities hawking fear. One way to break free of the daily bogey men and women on YouTube.
She might be a bot.
I am not a bot.
We do not have to comply. We can Nullify. We can REFUSE to cooperate. We can misbehave. We can ALL do our best to throw sand in their gears at every turn.
Don’t ask politely anymore. Start demanding politely. Just say “I am not asking. I am demanding. You can refuse my demand, but then I will be justified in taking my demand to a higher level.”
Make the bureaucrat decide if they want to be in the middle of the personal little shitstorm you are about to create for them. Never stop. Be the creature from the black lagoon and keep coming back when they think you have gone away… Drag your political reps casework staff into it. File complaints with your state attorney general.
According to Dragnet Nation by Julia Angwin, it is legal to use an alias on-line. As long as you have no intent to defraud anyone or any company, it is legal to create and use aliases. Do this for the reviews you post.:)))))))))