Darryl Cooper: Why Trump Supporters Are Pissed Off And Don’t Trust Anything

Here is the link under this November 9th video from the “government”. I encourage everyone to read this active propaganda. Then watch this latest video from Tucker Carlson:


A more complete accounting of this information is given on Zerohedge. While we all know the facts (and these are all documented), seeing it in one place with the absolute certainty that this election was fraudulent proves that our Liberty was stolen. While the consequences are still unfolding and the manmade pandemic is still weaponized against us, the clock is ticking. I know that many do not believe anything will happen but what if I am right. At this point, I can only foresee bloodshed and I also believe that this is the goal of these traitors.

Here is the one question that I want people who still believe that voting is a viable method to restore Liberty. How many of our elected officials and government agency chiefs are calling for the release of the January 6th political prisoners? And that should be the first line for how they will be judged since it is the crux of the basis of our Republic.

David DeGerolamo

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just sayin'
just sayin'
3 years ago

Marco Rubio has organized a rally at the Florida Capitol building in Tallahassee today calling for the release of political prisoners who were charged on Jan 6th:
Trump is questioning why they are still there and who killed Ashley Babbitt:

There’s no knight on a white horse, but there is a potential start to a conversation…

Last edited 3 years ago by just sayin'
A.B. Prosper
A.B. Prosper
3 years ago

My public advice is to get ready for the worst while working at the primary level to fix the Republican party and fighting the culture war. All nice and legal with a slight chance of success. Very slight of course but until the time is right its the best approach.
The reason I suggest it is people like Trump, Rep. Majorie Green and to my utter shock Senator Rubio (thanks just sayin’) suggest to me there is a small chance of a fix.
While this is going on, you need to figure out just what to do if you win. No one expects clown world to do a good job but they are the established government and if you become the government , no matter how that happens, you break it, you own it.
Muh Constitution is not a fix, Moar Freedum is not a fix, we have legal weed in many states more gun carry and levels of sexual freedom that would shock our forbears.
You job if you win simply put is to make sure the US is a great place to have a family and raise kids
It will take many generations to become high trust if that’s possible without various horrors but it can a safe, livable place with a decent economy, stable moral structure and the like. Most importantly free of Leftists subversives.
If you get power, its your jjob whichever level you do it at. If you fail. clown world remnants, separatists, gang members of any one a hundred other factions will take you out.

A.B. Prosper
A.B. Prosper
3 years ago

An awful lot of people where whining “Do something” posting stupid memes all the damned time .Well these folks did.
Maybe you don’t like the results but if they had come armed and unprepared or worse someone forced President Trump into office, you’d like it even less.
This was dumb and illegal , I’d tell someone to avoid stupid stuff but it had meaning and purpose.
Understand if we can’t stop them and things go down you aren’t going to like most of what goes on anyway. Its going to be ugly, utterly immoral and the people that do the work on both sides will have the morals of Cartel Sicarios on a very bad day.
Still I can understand why the PTB’s are using the capital police that way . They don’t know who is a genuine patriot who is a mole in any agency or not .No vetting will help and if you lower standards or drive away Y/T, you increase your risk further.
They are well aware of what happened to Indira Gandhi too .The TL;DR version is Her secret service protection was a Sikh, she ordered destroyed a scared temple thus betraying them. She got assassinated by her own guard.
The hope is an agency they control and vet will be loyal to them like a Neo Praetorian Guard of sorts.

Last edited 3 years ago by A.B. Prosper
3 years ago

Pelosi has allegedly dispatched Capital Police to California and Florida due to the continuing danger of white supremacy (MAGA terrorists). I’m anxious to see if Governor DeSantis throws them out of Florida for lack of jurisdiction, as he should. It would appear that the ‘defund the police’ project applies only to the local police, not the national Marxist variety.

Christopher Rasmus
Christopher Rasmus
3 years ago

