David Horowitz gave a presentation at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill on March 12, 2012. Based on the previous history of this venue, it came as no surprise that some type of reaction from the audience would take place. Although most of the students left as shown in the video, there was still a large audience who listened to and agreed with Mr. Horowitz’s talk. What did come as a surprise was the opening statement by Mr. Horowitz in which he explained that Jewish groups (including UNCHillel) on the campus did not support this event:
As co-president of UNC Hillel, I was surprised to receive an invitation from the Committee for a Better Carolina to publicize David Horowitz’s upcoming speech. I would have hoped that our opinions were already publicly known: UNCHillel does not support Horowitz’s repeated vilification of Muslims.
Over the past few years, Horowitz has periodically published ads in The Daily Tar Heel promoting his view of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, which are, to say the least, inflammatory.
Josh Orol
I did not find Mr. Horowitz’s comments to be inflammatory: I found them to be an accurate assessment of the situation in the Middle East.
David DeGerolamo
See my video on The Blaze.
Great job ! thanks for posting saw, it on The Blaze