Day From Hell? Try A Whole Weekend

Ever seen the acronym “TINVOWOOT” — ? Know what it means? The indispensable Sundance at The Last Refuge tells us why we should ponder it deeply:

     The Republican club, as a professional political system, is more in line with their allies in the Democrat club, than they are with the base of voters who want to see the corrupt DC system challenged and changed. Both wings of the UniParty are aligned to block any voting rebellion, democrat, independent or republican, from Main Street.

     I’ve often written about political dynamics. The ultimate devolution of a democratic system, wherein majorities choose lawmakers and executives, is to elevate, via a process of natural selection, power-mongers who are capable demagogues to the corridors of power. Since such persons value power over others above all other things, it has never been reasonable to expect them to exhibit restraint – nor to respect Constitutional constraints on them. The cited essay is an excellent treatment of where we stand in this devolution to quasi-democratic tyranny.

 In a segment above, I cited the “TINVOWOOT” acronym, and Sundance’s exposition on the wherefores. However, I stopped short of exploring the implications. Wes Rhinier doesn’t:

     I want to give a shout out to everyone here today at The Battle for the Republic LARP.

     A LARP, L-A-R-P is short for “Live Action Role Playing.” A LARP is a game. In this game, the participants portray fictional characters by the way they dress and the things they say as they interact in a real-world environment. However, the outcome of the game has been predetermined by the game rules and player consensus. It is ultimately the Gamemasters who decide the setting, determine the rules, facilitate the play, and declare the winner.

     Whether we realize it or not, this is the scenario in which we find ourselves. The Game-Masters have established Rules which apply only to Our Side so that the predetermined outcome is that we can Never Win! We are players in a rigged LARPing charade.

     What influences keep us from meeting our enemies in open battle? Is it that we hesitate to accept the necessity? Have we been too thoroughly schooled about not “descending to their level?” Or is it simple fear?

     I respect Wes too greatly to copy the bulk of his excellent talk to Liberty’s Torch. Please go there and read it for yourself – and reflect on what it means about us, about our political Establishment, and for the future of the Republic. It made me uncomfortable. I expect it will do the same to you.

Read the Whole Article Here…

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tom finley
tom finley
2 years ago

The sheeple will always follow the path of least resistance, TINVOWOOT is a true statement, voting in more of the same actors will not change a thing. I recently was on the monkey worx blog and seen a poll that 28% thought that we may need to take up arms against this illegal regime. The thought, means nothing without action, will we act, our very lives depend on it.

James Wood
2 years ago

This article is quite correct -the club is both parties -- their goal- fleece the American Public, for the majority of the men and women in DC -America is just a big piggy bank and they think they deserve it all -- Term limits can’t be decided by election it needs to be mandated a article of our Constitution -- bring it to the people and lets see the way the wind blows then

tom finley
tom finley
2 years ago

Watching the Water — MonkeyWerx This will add to your Un comfortability..

Elder Son
Elder Son
2 years ago

Who was it that said… The republicans are the deliberate little bloviating respites on the road to democrat hell.

2 years ago

It never tells me what Tinvowoot means… someone help an old man out eh?

2 years ago
Reply to  Wes Rhinier

Thanks Wes. We all here know that is true. Just waiting for others to wake to that fact. Seems as though many are voting harder this fall. I tell them that I probably won’t vote if they use those machines. They tell me I’m giving up. Very frustrating trying to reason with them they spend a few hours a month watching news and they do not understand our situation because they are too busy enjoying life to even look somewhere else beside ABC,NBC,CBS,FOX,CNN AND SUCH THINKING That they just heard truth. It is impossible to convince them that the TELL-A-VISION IS LYING TO THEM ON PURPOSE. They simply will not believe anything if it isn’t on The TELL-A-VISION. They are Programmed for compliance.