Deadliest Attacks in Iraq Since US Troop Pullout

A look at the deadliest attacks in Iraq since the withdrawal of U.S. troops on Dec. 18, 2011:

—Sept. 9: Insurgents kill at least 49 people in a wave of attacks, gunning down soldiers at an army post and bombing police recruits waiting in line to apply for jobs.

— Aug. 16: A blistering string of bombings and shootings across the country kill at least 93 people and wounded many more in a deadly show of force aimed at undermining the government’s authority.

— July 23: Attacks aimed largely at security forces kill 115 people in what was the country’s deadliest single day in two years.

— July 3: Bombs pound six cities and towns, killing some 40 people and raising suspicion that security forces may be assisting attacks on Shiite Muslims.


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