Dear Government Employee: A Time For Choosing

Aesop: “With the announcement of widespread blatant and open abrogation of fundamental civil liberties Thursday by the Pretender-In-Chief, by both federal and complicit state governments and private employers, delivered with all the enthusiasm of a two-year-old late for his naptime, hundreds of thousands to millions of Americans have a grave choice on the horizon: stand up and be counted, walk away, or “just follow orders”, and if the last, be rightly counted as the SS and Gestapo enforcing the new Federal Kristallnacht Plan, and administering its implementation. I’m talking about the minions of government, from local apparatchiks all the way to the teat-suckers from the District of Criminals.

I beseech you, one and all, to choose wisely: either refuse to comply, or walk away.

Because the minute those unconstitutional directives are put into play, wholly apart from the 19 governors and 2 state AGs who’ve already pledged to fight this hogwash tooth and nail in the courts, you’re facing a much bigger problem.

It’s the 80-effing-million-plus Americans who may not be inclined to wait and see how unelected black Nazgul feel disposed to view their human rights and civil liberties, or wait patiently for the interminable wheels of justice to grind their grist, when their livelihoods, their families, and their very corporeal existence, is measured out in paychecks, bank balances, and calories.

And if you draw a federal paycheck, or one from a state or county, or even a city that isn’t fighting this tooth and nail, as the rubber-meets-the-road end of this deal, you’re going to have a real big problem looming in your windshield in about 0.2 seconds.

All those put-upon folks will not, y’see, patiently sit back and watch their bank accounts drain down to zero – AGAIN.

They will not meekly watch their pantries dwindle to dust bunnies, while their children complain of hunger, and their spouses’ faces become gaunt and hollow.

They will not meekly and serenely submit to becoming involuntary refugees in their own land, beholden to DotGov for everything from food to shelter to medical care to life itself, purely at Leviathan’s whim and pleasure.

Long before those days, they’re going to reach over the mantle, or into the closet or safe, and they’re going to grab rifles, and load magazines. SOME OF THEM ARE WAY AHEAD OF THE CLASS ON THAT, BELIEVE ME. And then they’re going to declare open season on every motherfucker with an ID badge, a business card, or license plates that ID them as government minions. Every. Last. One. No game regs, and screw the bag limit.

You’re about to become the buffalo herds and the passenger pigeon in the coming morality play, entitled Bosnia X Rwanda, in Beirut…”


About Hammers Thor
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Francis Peter
Francis Peter
3 years ago

One can only wish this was true as the US is about to absolutely collapse with a traitorous criminal with a demented brain is running the country with Barack O’bummer calling the shots! Disgraceful!

strider 777
strider 777
3 years ago

In his recent speech to the American people, our wanna-be Communist Premier In Chief issued what amounted to a verbal decree that directly threatened the liberties, the livelihoods and the very lives of millions of law-abiding and peaceful Americans.
Comrade Biden, and his globalist controllers, really ought to rethink that strategy. They have really pissed off a lot of nice folks in America.
In 1967, a Polish mercenary by the name of Rafal Ganowicz was asked what it felt like to take human life, “I wouldn’t know” he replied, “I’ve only ever killed Communists.” I think he made a good point. What do you think?

tom finley
tom finley
3 years ago
Reply to  strider 777

110% agree we should start with DC.

3 years ago
Reply to  strider 777

I think Communism, Marxist tactics, Globalism, Bill Gates (of hell), Santa Klaus Schwab (the child of National Socialists), George Soros & even that dirty, fat biatch Oprah, the Rockefellers, all Eugenecists, all Abortion & transhumanist demons, & many more are children of the devil who will do GREAT damage to human life on earth, exactly as they do to the children offered to Molech. What do you think I think?

strider 777
strider 777
3 years ago
Reply to  Grace

Yes, the devil is powerful, BUT God the Father and His Son, Lord Jesus, are infinitely more powerful. In the end, the devil loses, and God and all of those who love Him wins! This is what I do each day: I trust God the Father and His Son, Lord Jesus. I pray to them each day for wisdom, guidance, protection and provision. I pray to them for strength to fight the good fight for human freedom, truth, justice and righteousness. Remember, Lord Jesus said that He would never forsake anyone who loves Him and puts their faith and trust in Him. I hope this answers your question. God bless you.

Mark Harrison
Mark Harrison
3 years ago
Reply to  strider 777

Totally agree with you brother. But remember it also states that we will suffer, before HE comes and takes us home!

strider 777
strider 777
3 years ago
Reply to  Mark Harrison

Yes, you are right to say that anyone who truly loves Jesus will suffer for His Name’s sake.

just sayin'
just sayin'
3 years ago
Reply to  strider 777

I laughed at the irony, but then cried at the reality that the dehumanization of “the enemy” is a double edged sword… How funny it is depends on whether you happen to be labeled “the enemy” in the eyes of the mercenary, or not.

strider 777
strider 777
3 years ago
Reply to  just sayin'

In my humble experience, there are two distinct kinds of mercenaries. There is the kind that will fight for any cause as long as he gets paid well. Then, there is also the kind that has moral principles and will only fight for causes that further human freedom. However, the latter still expects to get paid well, but is that so bad? Not really, how long would the U.S. Army remain intact if its soldiers were not fed, not clothed, not housed, not provided with medical care and not paid?

3 years ago

Kill them all.


Last edited 3 years ago by LT
tom finley
tom finley
3 years ago
Reply to  LT

Yes keep the plan simple, every last one.

tom finley
tom finley
3 years ago

This dementia ridden POS will not stop there. Any benefit your entitled to will be in jeopardy, either get the kill shot or be ostracized from society. They all need to be hung every last one. We need to move on them now.

NC Rob
NC Rob
3 years ago
Reply to  tom finley

Agreed. But Americans are too stupid to see what is going on to reach that conclusion. Over overlords want us dead.

Arch Stanton
Arch Stanton
3 years ago

With this unimaginable imbecile in the White House one can only wonder just how worse it can actually get. It can, and most likely will, get much worse. I’ve been preparing for real civil war…now I’m expecting it. The reality is sobering to say the least. But…carry on.

NC Rob
NC Rob
3 years ago

Long before those days, they’re going to reach over the mantle, or into the closet or safe, and they’re going to grab rifles, and load magazines. SOME OF THEM ARE WAY AHEAD OF THE CLASS ON THAT, BELIEVE ME. And then they’re going to declare open season on every motherfucker with an ID badge, a business card, or license plates that ID them as government minions. Every. Last. One. No game regs, and screw the bag limit.

God I hope you are right. Nothing sobers tyrants/communists up like a few angry motivated patriots that love liberty with nothing left to lose.

tom finley
tom finley
3 years ago
Reply to  NC Rob

We need to organize some LERP units quickly.

Johnny Spot
Johnny Spot
3 years ago
Reply to  tom finley

It’s LRRP, Long Range Reconnoissance Patrol….It’s a Ranger thing.

tom finley
tom finley
3 years ago
Reply to  Johnny Spot

Yea thanks i noticed it as soon as I posted it, you cannot edit it after posting.

fed poast
fed poast
3 years ago
Reply to  NC Rob

yet most STILL don’t know (((who)) the enemy really are

can’t win if you don’t go after who’s really behind it all. Kinda common sense

NC Rob
NC Rob
3 years ago
Reply to  fed poast

Communists first.

tom finley
tom finley
3 years ago
Reply to  fed poast

We have two parties the communist and the socialist reform party.

fed poast
fed poast
3 years ago
Reply to  tom finley

all beholden to the jews. Most STILL do not get that. Good luck winning this war without that understanding.

The EVIDENCE is overwhelming and not hard to find despite all their efforts to remove as much as they can from the net.

Arch Stanton
Arch Stanton
3 years ago

In 1967 a polish mercenary was asked what it felt like to take human life, “I wouldn’t know” he replied, “I’ve only ever killed Communists.”

Barbara Noelle
Barbara Noelle
3 years ago

The dark beast is cornered. He is lashing out with scary words. Do not feed this beast but walk by . This beast has NOTHING without our energy and consent. WE HAVE THE POWER.

just sayin'
just sayin'
3 years ago
Reply to  Barbara Noelle

Wise words Barbara! He feeds off of the anxiety, anger, and fear that the scary words invoke.

strider 777
strider 777
3 years ago

Good information -- an interview by Greg Hunter with General Flynn:

Bryce DeBorde
Bryce DeBorde
3 years ago
enn ess
enn ess
3 years ago

This has been going on for a very long time. And to think that Eisenhower warned us as late as 1961 in his farewell speech regarding the Military Industrial Complex. Facts to be backed up with the SE Asia fiasco kicking off in 1964. And that is just recent history. Violations of Our Constitution and founding principles go back to Roosevelt, Wilson, Lincoln and even earlier. It has gotten so bad at present no one is even trying to his the destruction of this nation anymore.
Personally I think the best remedy is the Romanian Solution. Worked for them! For crying out loud, even Hungary and Poland have more viable and trustworthy govts.

3 years ago

Sez the guy who called anyone not wearing a mask “literally Hitler” and killing grandma.