Dear Nancy

January 27, 2020

Nancy Pelosi 1236 Longworth H.O.B Washington, DC 20515 phone: (202) 225-4965

Mrs. Pelosi:

I watched Pam Bondi and Alan Dershowitz give presentations today before the United States Senate, Justice Roberts, White House Counsel and the House Managers concerning the impeachment of President Donald J. Trump. I was extremely proud of their presentations from both a Constitutional and fact based perspective. I believe that the House of Representatives under your leadership uses the Constitution from a flawed understanding for their own purposes although I am sure that you would disagree.

I am writing this letter in the sincere hope that you also watched their presentations and were able to discern what happens when adults are present in the room. May the Lord also give you discernment concerning your position in the government and the consequences of your abuse of power.


David DeGerolamo

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