Dear Racist, Looting, Rioting Scumbags in Baltimore…

BaltimoreOpEd Link

We live in an age of sensationalism. We find ourselves in an era where every headline has to grab your attention, regardless of its substance in order to generate your digital patronage.

That’s the news industry in which we live.

I’m hoping this can cut through that.

To the looters, to the vandals, the felons, the people in Baltimore (and elsewhere) ruining this great Republic of ours: before you call me a racist, before you call me insensitive… understand that to use both would be an oxymoron.

It is my complete lack of any interest in your race, background, gender, personal beliefs and/or struggles that makes me an insensitive jerk. I accept that. It also makes me incapable of discrimination.

You are animals. If you are able to destroy the home or business of your neighbor, you’ve lost your humanity. If you are able to harm your fellow man, to scare their children, to do so with a clean conscience, merely because of something that some cop may or may not have done, which has nothing to do with you… you are a horrible human being. You disgust me, as you should anyone who wishes to be a part of civilized society.


h/t Jeff R

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Sam Horvath
9 years ago

I see a whole lot of color in the picture, but mostly black, why is it you never see other colors rioting and looting ?!?