Death Throes of the Old Republic

There are many similarities between the rise and fall of empires. Our Old Republic is no exception in its death throes. The following excerpt is part of an article detailing the Fall of Rome and its debasement of currency:

The Consequences

The real effects of debasement took time to materialize.

Adding more coins of poorer quality into circulation did not help increase prosperity – it just transferred wealth away from the people, and it meant that more coins were needed to pay for goods and services.

At times, there was runaway inflation in the empire. For example, soldiers demanded far higher wages as the quality of coins diminished.

“Nobody should have any money but I, so that I may bestow it upon the soldiers.” – Caracalla, who raised soldiers pay by 50% near 210 AD.

By 265 AD, when there was only 0.5% silver left in a denarius, prices skyrocketed 1,000% across the Roman Empire.
Only barbarian mercenaries were to be paid in gold.

The Effects

With soaring logistical and admin costs and no precious metals left to plunder from enemies, the Romans levied more and more taxes against the people to sustain the Empire.

Hyperinflation, soaring taxes, and worthless money created a trifecta that dissolved much of Rome’s trade.
The economy was paralyzed.

By the end of the 3rd century, any trade that was left was mostly local, using inefficient barter methods instead of any meaningful medium of exchange.



While people cannot grasp the true scale of the national debt (much higher than $30T), they are seeing the fallout of currency debasement caused by the Federal Reserve, banks, government and financial sector greed. Hyperinflation in 2022 will erode our personal wealth, wages and what little is left of Liberty in the Old Republic.

If there is no fungible currency available once the dollar collapses, what are your options? Bartering skills will be a key for your survival:

You should invest in one or more books on bartering. And you cannot barter unless you have something to trade that someone else needs. Do not let that “thing” be your freedom because slavery and indentured servants will become options to eat and have shelter.

The government that replaced the Old Republic will be replacing fiat currency with a new digital currency in the near future. Details are sketchy at this point including the conversion of paper dollars to digital federal cryptocurrency based on your ESG score. Do you think the new government will allow any competition with their cryptocurrency? Which then begs the question: how much will your Bitcoin be worth if it is not “legal”?

An empire in its death throes goes through rapid changes in “leadership”:

The Collapse

During the crisis of the 3rd century (235-284 A.D), there may have been more than 50 emperors. Most of these were murdered, assassinated, or killed in battle.

The empire was in a free-for-all, and it split into three separate states.

Constant civil wars meant the Empire’s borders were vulnerable. Trade networks were disintegrated and such activities became too dangerous.

Barbarian invasions came in from every direction. Plague was rampant.

And so the Western Roman Empire would cease to exist by 476 A.D.



The long knives are coming out as the traitors start to eat their own. It will be hard to show mercy to the people who destroyed the Great Experiment, unleashed a bioengineered pandemic, collapsed the world’s trade and are planning to starve the world in their Great Famine. The bread and circuses are upon us but the barbarian hordes that finally conquered Rome will be replaced by technological weapons: cyberterrorism, hypersonic missiles and robotics.

Boston Dynamics Atlas

I pray God will show some mercy to His remnant and allow us to rebuild a better and more moral world.

David DeGerolamo

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2 years ago

Although trading and bartering is a healthier economic and likely social system than what exists now, it points out that the people were incapable of functioning within, carrying out and maintaining a republic, democracy, or civic governance. The glaring issues are that there was no push back until the economic and medical crisis (coerced PCR tests and covid-19 vaccinations) affected more of the middle and upper-middle classes, which is strange and yet understandable, and was also the desired result of the elites. A real republic would have ensured men payed their child support, and made a way for them to adequately do so, i.e., jobs, rather than decades upon decades of unwed mothers, and men who could often repeatedly shirk their responsibilty. It didn’t matter to the voters (primarily party-affiliated) that the youth were continually dumbed-down in all areas needed to run an efficient government, as long as they could stand in line, or even utilize mail-in ballots and ‘participate’ in their feel-good ritual. It’s likely that most people will not fight for a republic, democracy or any of the other long-touted labels, as they didn’t legitimately experience it, but may be incentivised by practical gains in income, availability of goods and services, and upwardly-evolving living conditions, and then may be more receptive to internal matters of a governing document.

2 years ago

30 Trillion whoo hoo, and now the PTB want to hand out another 1400.00 stimulus check.

2 years ago

Ufortunately Dave I would pray this
would true, but the scriptures tell us a different story. There won’t be any rebuilding for any nation on this earth, Our Lord has set the stage for up for the end of this age which will be very shortly now, all the signs have culminated into one direction. The end is upon us and the judgement of God is right at the door. All I can say is make sure you and your family and friends are right with God. We are the remnant that Gods refers to. This year we will witness great signs in the heaven that will make mens heart heavy and fail. For us who are Gods elected we won’t be fearful because we already know that Hod will protect his people and put his hedge of protection around us, the Lord tells us to look up into the heaven because our redemption draws nigh. Iam still prepping like you and I will continue prepping and protecting my family from the evil that has sorrounded the entire earth by wicked globalists and communist leaders in our government, God is bringing them down and they are all being exposed for the satanist baby killers they all are. It’s a man’s duty and instruction by Christ for a man to protect his family as best he can to anything less is an abomination to him.

gail jansen
gail jansen
2 years ago

While I appreciate and agree with the bottom-line assessments, I also have found another economic logic which explains the recklessness of our fiat system and growing debt. “Profit” in any commercial endeavor requires calculable numbers of consumers and a guaranteed 20% increase in in profits per year. (Hang in here with me) Remember how excited and over extended corporations were willing to be when the “Chinese” market opened up! Now understand that elite economic geniuses are not concerned about the current debt because they see and are developing new markets which will dwarf the Old Republic and its form of capitalism. As a quick example, there are three new mega-markets developing post successful COVID: 1.) the patenting of all human, animal and plant cells for profit. This explains the 5-G graphene interface synthetic-biology contained in the jab; 2.) The complete surveillance, and exploitation of human beings for profit. (Cannibalism is now being offered at the graduate level in economic development as an “equitable” answer to poverty. This is being presented along with “equitable & sustainable” economic models which use the recycling of dead bodies into the food growing production.) and 3.) The complete exploitation of the earth and interstellar masses (Mining the moon, mineral rights to meteorites, commercial exploitation of Saturn & Mars, etc.) for the minerals, interstellar trade, and infrastructure, including travel. So, you see, while we are squirming at $30T dollars of debt and national bankruptcy, the elites are seeing big profits as they transhumanize us to be intergalactic slaves, skin farms, or really good steaks.