Deep State or Democrats?

It is an absolute fact that you will not win a war unless the enemy is clearly defined. Our country is at war but we cannot define the enemy. Some would say it is Democrats but we know that there are Republicans involved in this internal war. Some would say it is the Deep State which includes people outside of the country who want a new world order. The above tweet states the Biden administration’s plan to turn swing states Democrat by importing illegals makes sense but it does not encompass the whole truth since the Democrat party is only a portion of the true enemy.

While Trump won the election, there was still massive voter fraud. The Republican party accepted the fraud that cost four Republican senate seats. The Republican controlled Congress is not really supporting Trump or the country. Democrats are actually so assured of our apathy that they are openly calling for the continuation of fraud and debt. Not one activist judge has been impeached but then again, that is a losing strategy since there are not enough votes in the Senate to convict a judge and remove him/her/it. But they can defund the position and they do not even discuss that.

Gov. DeSantis is correct when he states the Congress is not supporting the President.

So who is the enemy? Let’s regroup and first admit that we are in a civil war with the federal government. The Democrats in Congress votes as a block to stop any action to restore the Republic (think why I say this). The Supreme Court is a huge problem for Liberty and they get a pass. Evil should never get a pass. While the executive branch is being reorganized, the real enemy is still in control of two branches of our government. The proof is in the results: the adoption of the continuing resolution, no legislation passed by Congress, Supreme Court inaction to reign in the judiciary and no budget.

The bottom line is that the Republic is lost if we do not admit we are in a civil war AND we cannot define our enemy. If you want to start believing the truth, look back in history to Trump’s first term and remember all of the Republicans in his cabinet and in Congress who stabbed him in the back.

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1 day ago

There is one other option open for the judicial problem; the Clinton solution. Accidents happen.

1 day ago

All of your points are excellent and are well defined.

As you so well stated, there are many massive issues that currently prevent a restoration, if that is even possible at this juncture, of a republic. We have a fully entrenched co-opted government that is either compromised by filthy lucre (greed, money & power) and / or by the blackmailing of those government officials that would not go along with the corruption if not for being compromised. Either way, it doesn’t matter. The results are the same. There are actors both in, and outside our country (deep state?) that are pulling the strings of our representatives, so called.

How do we identify the enemy when so many of the machinations for controlling these individuals are hidden? The results of the deep corruption are being exposed by DOGE but, origins and those responsible are still opaque and not fully identified.

I think the first moves in attempting to bring order and justice out of the chaos is for a fully dismantled FBI and CIA. The corruption runs too deep in both organizations. It needs to be rebuilt from the ground up with fully vetted people.

There has to be indictments of the known traitors (lots of low hanging fruit). There need to be trials, probably military tribunals, and then the appropriate sentences. The fear of God must be re-instilled in America for any good path forward.

I don’t want to be pessimistic about this but, I just don’t see it happening. I think we are on borrowed time and that sand in that hour glass is nearly fully sifted through.

Last edited 1 day ago by brewer55
tom finley
tom finley
1 day ago

If Chief Justice John Roberts Is Hobnobbing with the Most Wicked and Heinous People in America at Private, Elitist Functions -- How Can He Be Trusted to Make Sound Decisions for the American People? | The Gateway Pundit | by Jim Hoft At the top of the list, the not so supreme court, followed by the uni-party. There is a small minority in both houses that support President Trump. I personally do not think speaker Johnson or senate leader Thune supports him either. For most of these RATS it is me first and will not allow the illegal money flow to stop, it is one big rotten to the core tree. So just what are the choices, I cannot think of but one and it is not something easily stopped once started.

1 day ago
Reply to  tom finley

So just what are the choices, I cannot think of but one and it is not something easily stopped once started.

Timeline of the French Revolution -- Wikipedia

Read carefully and sub in a few name changes. Where are we in that timeline?

Bankruptcy, check, just denied.

Involved in stupid war expenditures, check. but we “Have to Support Israel” fighting Iran…

Lawfare, check…

Sadly, once started the mighty fire is not controllable. I don’t see a George Washington around to lead the disunited America back into a Republic.

Like France, we might be lucky enough to get a decent Strong man government IF the Globalists don’t “WIN” as destroying American Nationalism IS their STATED GOALS.

Civil virtue might be protecting trusted family, trusted family and keeping a strong faith in your creator.

1 day ago
Reply to  Michael

Maybe a disunited republic is what’s for dinner. If you want to use Biblical references, what commonality do Christians have with Baal and Moloch? What commonality do we in the Gem State have with the Marxist-Abortionist Party/LGBTQ+/Medicaid-SNAP-EBT government remoras of the Blue Hives? Disunity and secession are not without precedent in world history and US history. The patriots in Eastern Oregon who work for a living instead of voting for a living like the rest of the socialists want to be part of Idaho.
The reason I believe this will not happen is the sheeple are still too comfortable and are stupidly distracted by sports and mindless entertainments. The proof of the pudding will ultimately lie in the aftermath of a substantial economic correction. But that has been talked about since Y2K. And it STILL has not reared its ugly head. Bleib ubrig.

1 day ago

You and I both know, what cannot continue will stop.

More and more of the folks that make this country run are retiring out or dying. Few youngsters aside from THEIR OWN KIDS (and not all of them) are taking up the jobs of grid linemen, water purification and so on.

comment image

Why work when all these freebees are all around?

Economically we both know the USS Titanic is taking on huge amounts of debt and sin (LBQT+ Marxism and so on). While the Captain Trump and his loyalist crew is trying to plug the bleeding, crazies like Shumer are ENCOURAGING other street crazies to burn Telsa’s and Lawfare to prevent bandages from being applied.

Mixed metaphor but you know what I’m saying.

We have no Geroge Washington to do the Strong Man leadership and then surprise all of the royalty of Europe by actually submitting to step down after “The People VOTED”.

4 hours ago
Reply to  Michael

Michael, great post! Spot-on!
White civilization is, essentially, civilization itself. The rather frightening--and maybe prophetic--meme below is telling.

1 day ago

Well, if there is no way out of this mess then all I can state is this, Trump should call for martial law and begin locking up all judges, congressman and senators who are involved in the massive coup against the United States. This is sedition and it must be treated as such, and Trump must move fast on shutting down the other two branches of government and putting it under the military rule until all is cleaned up along with the restoration of honest and fair elections. What else is left then just endless talking with no fortitude to do anything, then get ready to lose you country. When this sedition comes to your door, you either acquiesce to the evil out of fear or you kill it, you will need to choice what path to take at that time. My choice is clear I will meet my maker by going out as a man of God and not a week kneed talking fool.

tom finley
tom finley
1 day ago
Reply to  phil1350

Agree 100% phil1350, I believe President Trump is weighing this option, since he hung the Declaration of Independence up in the White House. I think he knows just a small minority is supporting him in congress and the senate, hopefully he will remove Pam Bondi and get a war time AG.

kal kal
kal kal
22 hours ago

Deep state= democrats shot callers!

Stan Sylvester
Stan Sylvester
6 hours ago

Henry Makow does a tremendous job revealing who is controlling the puppets.