This poor old rancher is having his life destroyed for defending his family and property from illegal invaders.
BLM and ANTIFA “activists” would never allow a comrade to be treated in such a manner. They’d be turning out in droves to make their voices heard and to defend their cohorts. They would burn the jail he is in down to get him out. But, unlike us bloviating Patriots, who are too busy debating who the smartest person in the room is, Communists are serious about “fighting” – and they know that Our Side isn’t.
We should be ashamed of ourselves!
If only he had “turned the other cheek” and just “loved” the illegal invader terrorist?
Maybe we can just “pray” him out of this situation?
We’re Pathetic!
“BLM and ANTIFA “activists” would never allow a comrade to be treated in such a manner. They’d be turning out in droves to make their voices heard and to defend their cohorts.”
Another instance, and I guarantee you they will be happening at greater frequency, where the militia should muster. In this case remove him from jail and deal with the trash orcs that put him in there claiming the farce of law.
Of course the orcs and their overlords would probably try to respond with force at which point they need to get 10x what they bargained for such that their families sing their laments for generations.
Pathetic is the correct word for sure.
Agreed wes we’re currently losing ground, but its hard to compare us to BLM or antifa. They have protection from the swamp. Thats who they are working for. We dont have that. One wrong move and the full weight of the fed gov leagal machine is on us. So theres no starting with a small battle like Mr Kelly our only option is to replace the whole thing at once.
That will likely require an event like Jan 6th, 2021 SHOULD have been.
Yep. Had the numbers , not the desire.
Rabbi Will,
Agreed, in for a penny in for a pound, make it a two-fer and go all in.
I am in shock over the apathy of Americans. Are there any?
We are truly PATHETIC and should be ASHAMED beyond words!!
He has no neighbors? No relatives? No friends? No local group? Fundraising is actually going well. It exceeds the goal. And still rising. Everyone is pathetic according to Wes. You down there Wes? I didn’t think so.
If you notice I use, we, us, I am included in that pathetic bunch. I’m sick of the cowardice, myself included.
Which police department did the arrest? Which agency is prosecuting? What’s his current status? Locals can then give the appropriate individuals their “opinions”. Act accordingly.
It happened in Arizona. Arizona has fallen.,
Correct! Look how all the election shit played out.
Rancher charged with murder said he was defending his property, family
Yes sir, that is why I always say “WE” as I am included as well and have to be honest with everyone and especially myself.
Are the facts any different than the Fox report I read online? If not then it would seem again that calling the politzi is the wrong course of action . Trespassers should be fair game Wtf don’t trespass don’t get shot… if the stiff is foreign national cops should give it back to parent country & leave it up to them the cops should be issuing him M16 & night vision and sending him home to protect his property with an ovomit fone with the coroners # on it to let them know how many body bags to bring-he’s old white & nearly alone- not gonna happen
That was my first thought when I heard what happened, he had plenty of open ground and should have never called LE.
Honestly calling 911 is just about the Worst damn thing you can do anymore my friends -- please take heed.
No I don’t call 911, when me and the wife moved to our new home here, it was late in the afternoon. So I unloade half of the 25ft. u-haul myself and parked it along side the house. When we went to sleep, I was awakened by my wife shouting get the shotgun, I put on some pants and shirt and ran out the door looking for the thief, to late he had run oft. I had no thought of calling 911, I probable would have given him a memorable beating and told him not to come back or an ending. He did not get into the u-haul but I noticed the gas cap was off.
I can’t. Not only am I poor, I am going to be w/o a place to live in 90 days. Sorry.
Clyde Vernon Thompson (1910-1979)
bless him and keep him and his family safe, amen
My fellow Americans, I have a very important question to ask of all of us: When is enough simply going to be ENOUGH? ? How much longer are we going to take this outrageous, illegal, unethical, unconstitutional garbage??