Definitely Not a Cult

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3 years ago

my God! these whatever they are,are M O R O N S!!!!!!!!!!LOL

3 years ago

please allow me to apologize for (basically) a double posting (but with the age of the other posting, i envision more people will see THIS posting?) and furthemore, we can sit and discuss someone else’s u-toob… or we might even take some small action to contribute to the greater good? Anywho…

My data: i received Moderna #2 about a month ago now. About 2 weeks ago, i saw some internet discussion about how a magnet can stick to the injection site. A week ago i tried this with a “refrigerator magnet” (approx 15mm diameter cylinder, 5mm thick, with a plastic covering) of which results were inconclusive.

Today I discovered i have a thin (approx 1mm thick) advertisement magnet, and trimmed myself a small piece (approx 16mm X 12mm) This smaller & lighter magnet appears to “stick” to the site of my injection. Also, i do feel a very slight soreness in the area that i received the injection.

I would be curious to hear of anyone else willing to post their own experimental discoveries. If there are any improvements to the scientific method that i have shared, i am certainly willing to consider improvements in that area.

Note -- a “pro-vaccer” shared a u-toob link showing someone faking a magnetic stick using a tiny tab of neo-sporin, so if you give this suggestion a whirl, please make sure you’ve got clean, dry skin!

3 years ago

Definitely not a cult. Um yeah. Right.

matthew w
3 years ago

I don’t do “social media” so I had no idea that people were making those videos. (most of the time when I see a link/video with tik tok, I ignore it)
Yes, definitely NOT a cult.

3 years ago

WIN an award for taking the JAB…YES THEY DO,a free train ticket to hell,BECOMING A GMO NON-HUMAN,all the lowest IQ morons will love the BIG ASSYRIAN..he’ll beat them senseless everyday in hell,THATS THE FUTURE OF ALL who chose to become NON-HUMANS….well I certainly hope you didn’t think OUR FATHER would let aliens in to heaven…

3 years ago

They have elected to receive the the isotope. The consequence is built in -- they will develop the new form of leukemia (blood disorder) which it causes.

~Those who abuse Liberty, sentence themselves to death.