Democrat Cities

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3 months ago

My grandfather was a lineman after Vietnam up till the mid 90s. He told me stories that would lead me to believe this was common.
Every story had 2 things in common, big city and a certain demographic of the population.

3 months ago

“Here is a crazed man attacking a lineman’s truck…”

“Here is a typical sub-81 IQ Houston bunghole attacking a lineman’s truck…”

Welcome to Harris County, TX. Home of the 13%ers.

Are you not entertained?

Joe Blow
Joe Blow
3 months ago

They are fundamentally incompatible with white western society.

Steady Steve
Steady Steve
3 months ago

Screw them. Don’t bother restoring power next time. Let them get a good taste of 3rd world living for a year or two.

WL Moz
WL Moz
3 months ago

I am going to say I apologize for the North American Pavement Apes that live in Houston. I don’t blame you for not going back.

3 months ago

Houston has been s--thole for many years because of !Diversity! (is our greatest strength). I hope all you linemen do indeed refuse to ever go back. These subhuman apes deserve nothing and should get nothing.

The Southern Nationalist
The Southern Nationalist
3 months ago

Leave them to their own devices, civilization isn’t for them.

3 months ago

The comments are so good I’m going to up vote all

kal kal
kal kal
3 months ago

letting the animals loose in the city leads to zoo-like cities. Chicago being a prime example!