Democrat Desperation – Phase II

Democrats are fighting on in tight races all over the country, and that’s only possible because of your help.

But with Election Day coming up tomorrow, right now is your time to make your biggest impact by getting out the vote, so Democrats can win crucial elections.

So I’m calling on you one more time.

Confirm your polling place, then forward this email to three friends and help them make a plan to vote.

We need to do everything we can to ensure that all our friends and family members make it to the polls, stay in line, and cast their ballots so Barack and Democrats like him can keep moving this country forward.

Please share this polling place lookup tool with all of your networks — aside from voting yourself, it’s one of the most important things you can do to help Democrats win big tomorrow:

Thanks — now let’s get the word out (before it’s too late).


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10 years ago

The Democrats have been leading this country on the “Highway to Hell” and at some point people are going to Pay!!!