In a dramatic turn of events, and very symbolic of America’s dysfunctional political system today in which all decisions have been punted to the Fed for the past seven years, Democrats took the floor of the House and staged a sit-in just before Noon on Wednesday. The Democrats were demanding that Republican leadership schedule votes on gun control bills, and according to Politico, Republicans almost immediately recessed the House and turned off the chamber video cameras. That only added fuel to the fire, and the sit-in went on all day and has continued into the early hours Thursday morning.
The words of hypocrites:
“We have lost hundreds and thousands of innocent people to gun violence,” Lewis said at the outset of the sit-in. “Tiny little children, babies, students and teachers, mothers and fathers, sisters and brothers, daughters and sons, friends and neighbors. And what has this body done, Mr. Speaker? Nothing. Not one thing. We have turned a deaf ear.”
The purpose of the sit-in is to protect “tiny little children”. Who will protect the tiny little babies from the millions of abortions carried out in this country with your protection. Remember these “leaders” trying to disarm the people and remove our right to bear arms. Look at the face of pure evil.
David DeGerolamo
Babies are more likely to be snuffed out in what is supposed to be the safest place for them, the womb. And our young children are in more danger of being morally and spiritually damaged in our public education system then they are to shot, maimed or killed by American citizens exercising their Second Amendment Rights. You Democrats and RINO Republicans are total hypocrites.
Secondly, you idiots with your crocodile tears crying because you aren’t getting the chance to vote on limiting or eradicating the Second Amendment, too dang bad, where were was the right to vote for Republicans when you traitors locked them out sessions dealing with Obama Care? Wake up, Democrats, because you are pushing the American people to the breaking point, and when the country blows up, the blood will be on your hands, and your hands alone.
These Representatives say they’re all about saving lives? This is nothing but a sh*tin.
Treason. Every last one of them is guilty of it.
And every last one of them ought to pay the price thereof…
Without delay
every one of them must be hanged for treason, as well as all the treasonous federal judges and US attorney generals. this is the bottom of the scum barrel which has come to the top. miscreants, crap, dog poop, horse crap, etc.