I have not heard of one Democrat politician who has condemned the harvesting of human babies in the name of “science”. In reality it is in the name of money. I am sure that there must be at least one Democrat politician who would stand up to stop this horror. If you know of any, please add their name in the comment section.
And then there are the Republicans who bluster and condemn but as usual, nothing is done. I do not believe that we have a Republic anymore. And we certainly do not deserve one by our actions. This video came out while I was on my way to Raleigh after receiving the news that my grandson of 25 weeks had died in the womb. I heard Rush Limbaugh explaining the content and I actually did not believe him. I had to see this video for myself to believe the horror that our political elite have put upon us.
Silence in the face of evil is itself evil, God will not hold us guiltless.
Dietrich Bonhoeffer
I know that our government is evil. I just did not know how evil.
David DeGerolamo
this only proves once again that every demon-rat is pure evil and bastard children of satan, every democrat is evil and belongs in jail or hanged for abetting murder and this includes the black robed demon judges who do there bidding.
“Evil” may have a long “leash” but a “leash”, nonetheless. Soon enough, retribution will befall them and I almost pity their anguish -- “almost”…
What’s going on, here, is genocide -- pure and simple! Whether black or white, or any color in between, it’s wholesale murder of children. Not of any “race, per se, but of an age group and no different than that practiced by the Nazis with their eugenics program -- the culling of the infirmed, the elderly, the mentally challenged, the racially “impure” and so on. The only difference is that this is being conducted in the womb; prior to birth.
Dr. Mengele would, surely, be proud
I truly hate what is being done and curse them to hell.
that’s what are leaders have learned from, the nazi Mengele. they not only murder in the womb at all intervals of pregnancy but also at the last trimester they have been murdering the litlle babies outside the womb for many years with much cover up by our leaders who claim to know nothing but know everything( they see no evil, hear no evil and speak no evil ), i believe this is called murder within our judicial system, but the black robed demon judges who are on the demon-rat payroll are the ones that must be hanged first , then the media who protect them , then our leaders who say and do nothing but give them more of our tax dollars based on how many murders they can commit with impunity and sacrifice to there god Satan. when the day comes these people will be held accountable for there actions I will make sure i will be one of those hunters who will hunt them down and hang them for there atrocities against life. there will be no trials for these brood of vipers and satans bastard children.